
Discussion on: Dimensions of Employment Relationship and how can trust develop

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Angel Paudel

Employment relationship happens when someone performs a certain work or provide service under certain conditions for remuneration. This relation occurs between an employee and the employer. This is very key to organization’s success as the employee are considered as the most valuable asset to any organization ("Economics of the employment relationship", 1990). A bad relationship thus often means that the employee won’t deliver as he/she should and might ultimately revolt or leave the job, hampering organization performance and objectives. However, if the relationship is good, the employee will feel motivated and often deliver on promises contributing towards organization’s objectives fully.

The dimension of employment relation consists of four key elements as in parties, substance, structure and operation as per Kessler and Undy (Kessler & Undy, 1996). Parties consist of managers, employee and employee’s representatives. Whereas substance consists of individual and collective needs. Individual consists of job position/title, reward, career path, communication and culture of the organization while collective needs includes of joint agreement and joint machinery. An example for this can be that in an organization with just one restroom, there’s a call saying a separate restroom is required for female staff; which everyone agreed upon. So, that form of agreement is called as joint agreement and actioned upon. The other component of employment relation is structure which consists of a set of rules and guidelines. They also include informal understanding like expectation and assumptions. The other component within the employment relation dimension is operations which demonstrates how the organization functions and includes of level, process and style of managers and organization.

In an organization, to develop a high trust environment, the manager must be able to show what’s expected from the employees in his/her actions as well. For example, if the manages wants all the staff to be on time, he/she himself/herself can’t show up hours late every single day. The manager must be able to set an example and then influence his/her sub-ordinates to follow the same. The management style is key for trust to build in an organization. And, if the manager sets a bad example and just gives order or shows anger on the employee’s that won’t work. The manager must demonstrate patience, understanding and leadership capability. The trust only builds up when the organization works on what’s promised and don’t divert here and there often. Also, the manager must act in fair balanced way for the employee’s to feel the trust.


Economics of the employment relationship. (1990). Journal Of Macroeconomics , 12 (1), 158. dx.doi.org/10.1016/0164-0704(90)90...

Kessler, S., & Undy, R. (1996). The New Employment Relationship: Examining the psychological contract. London: Institute of Personnel and Development.