
Discussion on: Challenge the Process in Nepalese Context

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Angel Paudel

I believe that the concept of “challenge the process” should also be reviewed from the local perceptive along with the way how it’s discussed by the authors. As the core values and beliefs might be same for either, things differ with a change in field. Moving from a western industrialized country to developing country, the dynamics change and so does the process in some way. Analyzing with the local perceptive in mind might give a different set of beliefs and methods to approach the situation. This can bring in long term results as it assists to approach and resolve situations with more confidence and self-belief. There’s always a different way of understanding “challenge the process” more deeply by researching into it which also makes the leadership development interesting throughout life span. While these research and studies are done, a foreign situation will be good and appropriate at times but you’re more likely to face the cases which other local companies might be facing so it’s better to also review the process from the local perceptive as well.

While talking about how I will handle the challenge the process aspect in Nepalese organization, let’s consider in the field of education. In nation where education only in a classroom settings is considered to be a standard, it’s a challenge to bring anything different but it can be revolutionized by digitalizing notes, books and alike with online access and also via smart phones. Digitalization of the video lectures adds more to what it has to offer. Adding further on to it, providing laptops and computers to rural village students with the addition of proper internet connection can change the entire proposition of how learning takes place around that part of the nation. That allows students to experience the technology while also acquiring knowledge from different sources around the globe. This all is something along the line of challenging the current process. Also, linking it further to what I want to do with a business venture is digitalize Nepal fully in money transactions with the use of e-wallet. The system we’ve in place right now is very limited but with what I envision, any supermarket or the one selling in a vegetable cart or the one in the gold shop or a street vendor; all of them can use the application to receive funds for what they sell and any people in general can pay for the service or product instantly (more so with the use of block chain technology). That simplifies the problem that Nepal faces in money transaction and bring more transparency as well. That’s something which has never been done fully and consists lots of challenges in the way. All those require the use of “challenge the process”.