
Discussion on: Economic and Social Revolution change to the Opportunity and Availability of Capital

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Angel Paudel

To look into how the availability of the capital change in the new century as a result of an economic and social revolution, let’s look at how things changed in the past due to similar happenings. Mark Twain called the late 19th century as ‘Gilded Age’ in the United States. Everything during this period glittered even those which were not perfect. America experienced a second industrial revolution during this period they experienced a tremendous change in the economy, technology, and society (Lindenmeyer, 2002). This helped America transform itself into an industrial power from rural communities. The nation saw the fastest growth in wealth, GDP, capital, and wages compared to national history despite all the hurdles during this period.

Economic revolution as its name suggest has to do with the economic growth of the organization, nation or the world in a bigger picture. This growth creates more opportunity for establishing the business environment (Wright, 1987). Samsung is a company which invests in all kind of R&D and their products range from small microchip to huge battle tanks. Their movement from mobile business to now OLED glasses, processors and other avenues is certain to bring transformation in the economic front. This is also Samsung anticipating a change in the economy and trying to adjust to the ecosystem.

Social revolution occurs when the preferences, taste, literacy rate and/or the living standards of the people change in the target area. This brings change in the society, technology and the culture as a whole and helps people settle down in a place rather than move around like in the initial example of the American community (Palat, 1997). The industrial revolution brought with it some change in the lifestyle of the people, making things easier, faster and comfortable. While commuting, what would have happened if there were no modes of transportation? Similarly, trade and availability of food have also contributed to it.

As a consequence of the economic and social revolution in this new century which is also referred to as Smart age. It is likely that the availability of capital and opportunities are more and more inclined towards innovation. The one who can be creative and innovate to the changing need of their target segment can survive, while the other loose out. Especially technological advancement has redefined the market competitiveness by creating spaces for radical innovation and no boundaries on where you can go to sell your products. Like a small business in Nepal don’t have to have their office in the United States to sell their, through the internet with right marketing tactics, they can sell their products not only in the United States but anywhere in the world with no physical presence in that region. Regardless of the investment, everyone has equal but differentiated opportunities and access to capital.

Novelty is the new secret to sustainability and success in the current world and a tool to best prepared for any revolution. You see that these days’ people are fascinated by something new, especially as the world is growing younger than ever, people are much more interested in experimentation. Take an example of Poko phone itself released a few days ago in India, the hype was so real that all the phones sold out within 5-minutes. Also, one must be able to identify the current trend, where the business is going and where the industry as a whole is moving forward and form strategy accordingly. Like Blockbuster failed to capitalize on the resources they had with themselves to see their end, while Netflix emerged from asses catering to the needs of the current generation. One must thus be able to not only identify the opportunity but be able to capitalize on it. This environment can thus foster the business with transformative, feasible, productive and economical business. With the economic and social revolution, entirely new industries which one hadn’t even envisioned emerged - few of these being outstanding new companies, not just the old one. Thus, with the capital availability and opportunities in this age and time, economic and social revolution resultant opens new doors for opportunities.


Lindenmeyer, K. (2002). Citizenship, Gender, and Urban Space in the Gilded Age and Progressive Era. The Journal Of The Gilded Age And Progressive Era , 1 (01), 95-106.

Palat, R. (1997). The Age of Extremes: A History of the World, 1914-1991. Journal Of World History , 8 (1), 179-181.

Wright, G. (1987). The Economic Revolution in the American South. Journal Of Economic Perspectives , 1 (1), 161-178.