
Discussion on: Unexpected problems while using email

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Angel Paudel

Electronic mail or email increases the speed of communication within and outside of the organization. It also makes it accessible from anywhere to send and receive. However, it does come with some unexpected problems which can occur while using email. Some of those are as explained below:

Spam is one of a very common issue with emails. These are unwanted emails that are sent to your inbox. These are harmless even if it requires some of your time to go through them all and remove it. Having said that not all spam emails will be harmless as some of them may include contents for phishing the user, more of which is explained in the next paragraph.

Phishing is a term popular when it comes to information security. With emails, the sender fakes an email to show as if it’s coming from a trusted source like mentioning that you got an all-expense paid vacation or saying that you won a lottery or mentioning that you got a full scholarship but asks you to pay a certain amount to verify your identity. They can also use more aggressive form to tempt you (receiver of the email) to fill in your personal details including credit card and other sensitive information. Intruders often collect these details by sending a link via email which leads to a fake website but holds a familiar look to the original website, where people are asked to fill in details. These information goes to the intruder without the knowledge of the user (Gandhi & Kumar, 2012).

Circulation of Malware with the use of emails can be another problem one might face as a user of electronic email. For example BredoZp is a type of malware which amplifies itself once in the user computer. They often come as in a money order from Western Union with an executable zip file attached. Once the user runs the program, it installs several malware in the user device and it just auto installs the others, while also providing hackers access to your device. With 45.97% of the overall email users being hit with this form of malware (1H10), it can be very problematic and in an organizational network, can transfer from one user to another’s to hamper the workflow itself (Pope, Warkentin & Luo, 2012).


Gandhi, V., & Kumar, P. (2012). A Study on Phishing: Preventions and Anti-Phishing Solutions. International Journal Of Scientific Research , 1 (2).

Pope, M., Warkentin, M., & Luo, X. (2012). Evolutionary Malware. International Journal Of Wireless Networks And Broadband Technologies , 2 (3).