Written by Sankar Dev
Poit generation teacher’s great poet Kali Das Count India only Not only We do in the world . He sowed his creative power in Drama Epic and lirics
Abhighan sakuntalam named Drama got popolaraty in the world . Whose writing has been tranststed in many langause in the world . His second Drama is Bikrmobarsinaya and Malvikangemitra . Which are also an example of leturize . His only two only Epic are Raghubansa and kumarsamba, But His Book are not sufficient in the world. Rrom the point of view Epicart Meghdutt Epic is uncomparable Bravtiful sinple lengause. Expraction of nature have made spellbound and hard fell . Nadhdudh his world in many langavges . His Ritusnha is the exprasson of session . It is the counter of Kali Das but now scholars accepted his borth was in firsrt Centiry B.C. This assamvled based His writing are arable since king Bikam Ditiya . In the beginning Kali Das was Uneducated and slow minded. Who difited by Bidhumahaya in study., In revenage Kali Das married with princess Biddhumahya Bexarm Sad Dute to her real knowledge . Kali Das heard hir pain and determined to be educated went away from house. He came back by getting knowleage.
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