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Seasoned River

Written by Saurav Karki

I sat down on the lounge
And my thoughts start to pound
Guess what I found
As I looked deep into man’s race

As a Tree grows stage by stage
So does our life from phase by phase
It sprouts with the morning dew
Spread out buds not a few

Then a man has come a new
While life is yet dependent
The Tree spreads out like tent

And men their pastime there spent
But while the scorching sun comes
Our lives’ struggles abounds
Trying to make both ends round

We learn the other side of life.
Please know there’s nothing like tie
Between you and Nature
It’s either you win or lose all
You either have a good or bad dusk
This time the tree goes sprawl
Then you could see life raw
Your perfections and errors
Which you’ll never right anymore

It’s nothing but an ad-hoc sir
If you close your eye lids a bit
Many years’ gone & you’ll regret it.

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