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Spreading Humanity by Dikesh Acharya

Humanity is the way that somebody behaves and speak; towards other people and the way something is done. Humanity is the behavior that is considered to be polite in a society, ‘ A person is said to be good if she or he is honest and Sincere. Good habits, love, respect and obedience are the essential qualities of a good person. A good person is liked by all.

To develop one ‘s personality and to make the civilized world, ‘good manners are essential. Some major elements of a person in life are: obedience, co-operation, selfishness, respect for elders and love for younger and sense of service.

Children should be given freedom within certain limits so that they will be able to know what is right and what is Wrong. They know social rules and regulations. They grow common sense. If their freedom is cut, they head towards destruction. They cultivate ill or bad manners.

Man is different to animals because of his manners and wisdom. Therefore, we must have good manners so that our life becomes meaningful. If every person ‘s behavior is good, the world becomes a better place to live in. A man of good manners and humanity is a blessing whereas of bad manners is a curse.

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