“Kindness is the best form of Humanity”- “Doris Lee”
Humanity can be defined as quality of being human. If you want to understand the quality of humanity in an individual, take note of what s/he does for others who give nothing back in return to the favor they have offered. Humans have compassion, kindness and respect not only for human species but also towards the other being with which we share the planet. There are many acts of humanity that have been done by few great people. There thoughts have impacted the though process of the world we live in today. To name such people, some of them are Mother Teresa, Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandel and many others. There way of life has taught us and are still being taught to the future generation so that they can understand what it means to be a human.
Each of us must work for their own improvement, and at the same time share a general responsibility for all humanity. Strong people stand up for themselves but stronger people stand up for others. But as the world is moving ahead, the very meaning of humanity is slowly being corrupted. An art of humanity can never be performed with thoughts or expectations of any personal gain of any form-may it be fame, money or power. Humanity comes from the most selfless act and the compassion one has. The most important religion is humanity. Humanity means forgetting our selfish interest at times when other need our help. Humanity means extending unconditional love to each and every living being on earth.
This is the time of urgency-urgency to act, urgency to build unity, and urgency to walk together to take care of health and hygiene. The current strain of corona virus has taught the whole world and even the busiest cities like New York, Paris, Rome and Toronto to stand still and halted all kinds of activities from normal daily activities to the professional activities that we perform. Life at present is a fight for the common battle. The common battle is to defeat against the threat and terror caused by the spread of corona virus. Maintaining social distancing is a must during this time. With the WHO health expert extensive research going on about the covid-19, we cannot neglect but notice the ratio of doctors, nurses, journalist, police and other professional working sleeplessly for the sake of humankind at large. Therefore, the current situation requires all of us to be united and be the strength for those people who are working really hard to make our life be at ease. This is the time to support one another and become their strength. The world will get back to normal, sooner or later. If we work together, we will definitely be able to beat this pandemic.
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