A dark night was accompanied by heavy rainfall and lonely streets. Everyone who had their shelter to hide themselves in, let it be humans or other creatures, were safe and warm. An old man was on the footpath under the tent of plastics, with piles of umbrellas in front of him, a pair of umbrellas were bought by the person who was dry under an umbrella and warm under the thick clothes. The old man immediately went to a hotel to have his only meal of the day. A dog with her puppies was all wet, she was given food and a warm place to hide herself and her beloved puppies. An old woman with just a thin piece of cloth was shivering in the corner of the street, she was called inside the house and given shelter to rest in. A young man with a briefcase in his hand was waiting for the bus in the empty street, he was dropped to his house by a stranger who had a vehicle. When he reached home, his aged mother finally went to sleep with a peaceful heart. A person fell upon the wet and muddy street as he was struck by the large stone in the middle of street, he rose up and moved the stone to the farther corner of the street, dozens of people passed through the same street without being struck by the stone. Like the droplets of rain spread in the soil of the land, that night humanity spread throughout the souls.
A dark night was accompanied by heavy rainfall and lonely streets. Everyone who had their shelter to hide themselves in, let it be humans or other creatures, were safe and warm. An old man was on the footpath under the tent of plastics, with piles of umbrellas in front of him, a pair of umbrellas were bought by the person who was dry under an umbrella and warm under the thick clothes. The old man immediately went to a hotel to have his only meal of the day. A dog with her puppies was all wet, she was given food and a warm place to hide herself and her beloved puppies. An old woman with just a thin piece of cloth was shivering in the corner of the street, she was called inside the house and given shelter to rest in. A young man with a briefcase in his hand was waiting for the bus in the empty street, he was dropped to his house by a stranger who had a vehicle. When he reached home, his aged mother finally went to sleep with a peaceful heart. A person fell upon the wet and muddy street as he was struck by the large stone in the middle of street, he rose up and moved the stone to the farther corner of the street, dozens of people passed through the same street without being struck by the stone. Like the droplets of rain spread in the soil of the land, that night humanity spread throughout the souls.
Humanity is the rhapsodies of our responsibility as the finest living being to help every other individual have a better experience living in this world. Humanity, the word itself suggests its meaning. Humanity is the act to prove our identity as a human. Humanity is the way to foster proper judgement to the power we are naturally provided with, to run this world, to rule this world. Humanity is our pride, our power, our light and reminder of our duty. We are provided with the tag of social animal. We humans are social animals because we always tend to be surrounded with other creatures, some of them are of our same kind and some of them are different from us but with many similarities. Sequel of thoughts, efforts and activities that we bring into action to make life easier for anyone who surrounds us is humanity. Humans are aided with higher levels of feelings, emotions, intelligence, power and other natural blessings, when all of our boons converge together for the betterment of a second individual, humanity shines. Humanity is simply the way of spreading love and kindness that we all wish to receive from others. Don’t we want other people to be kind to us? Don’t we strive for help in need? Isn’t being loved a part of our sweet wishes? The same is with other individuals too, treating people and other living beings with the behaviour we urge to receive from others in particular situations is basically the act of humanity.
Billions of years ago, as proven by science, living beings started to evolve in just a particular place of the world. Lives began to develop in many forms, initiating with microscopic protozoan and reaching upto the drastically wise humans with functionally complex body systems. Living beings didn’t limit themselves in one particular form in one particular place, rather they spread throughout hills, deserts, mountains and oceans. Humans colonized every part of the world. Hadn’t the humans explored the world and spread all around, we would be unknown about all the beauties held by the world. The only reason behind the existence of such a beautiful world with bewildering and staggering elements is expansion and spreading of humans along with their intelligence, power and superficiality. Spreading positivity always leads to better outcomes. If spreading intelligence and power has built the present world, spreading humanity adds cherry on the top to this astonishing world and its wonderment. Spreading humanity amplifies the meaning to existence of the world,spreading humanity spreads the beauty of love and kindness. We always strive for love, kindness, help, support and happiness.. We can mutually help each other get the kindness and help we always look forward to as we humans have the quality of humanity. Like spreading seeds on the land leads to the growth of productive, useful and beautiful plants and trees, spreading humanity in our surrounding brings out happiness, hope and beautiful experience. Spreading our power and boon of humanity is the best way to make an impact on lives that have been placed on earth. World is supposed to be a happy place, a peaceful and beautiful place for everyone. We, humans can make this world a worthy place by our act of kindness, love and help. Spreading humanity doesn’t require huge materialistic objects or large amounts of money, humanity requires the will to spread love and happiness amongst all possible individuals. Every birth in this world is surely followed by death. Everyone who is born dies someday. We are placed for a short period of time on this earth and the only way to mark our existence in this huge world is by spreading humanity. The love, kindness, empathy, support and happiness that we spread is the eternal receiving for the receiver. A simple act of humanity can change lives and change the way this world lives. Providing with the help and support to everyone who needs in our surroundings can help everyone have a better experience and better life. Spreading love and happiness is the only and best way through which everyone can feel loved and happy.
We always tend to love our closed ones, we love, support and help the people who are close to our hearts. But humanity is spreading love and kindness to the humans we don’t know and other creatures we don’t conversate with. Act of kindness and love shown to a stranger and animals is the real humanity. We don’t know everyone around us but everyone around us hope for love and kindness, and the good part is, we all humans can provide what they wish for because we are naturally gifted with the power of humanity. From the very beginning of the world and upto the present, world has always faced crisis in timely intervals. Despite all the beauties and positivity this world holds, there is evergoing crisis and problems. The greatest help we can help each other with is humanity. We can’t immediately avoid or end the crisis but we can always make it easier by spreading love and kindness. When there are hard times, our small act of humanity plants the saplings of hope and happiness. Love and kindness is never ending and experience gained through them is eternal too. We mightn’t always be able to provide materialistic objects to the needy, but we can provide empathy, love and kindness which is far more greater and impactful to change lives. Spreading humanity is the most significant activity because beautifying the surrounding with love helps everyone to have a better time including us. World is getting selfish these days, the world cares for their closed and known ones only, forgetting the fact that this world is for all and everyone has the right to have a positive experience living in this world. Being the world’s most significant living being, we have both power and responsibility to spread love and kindness. Selfishness is for a limited time period of time only as we, ourselves are just for a limited period of time. But, this world is eternal and so is humanity. The humanity we plant spreads everywhere for forever.
Each one of us has something to offer to our surroundings and each of us have the right to happiness, love, empathy and support. Humans are the base of this world and humanity is our strongest pillar as a human. Together we can build the better home for everyone pillared by the beauty of humanity.
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