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Spreading Humanity by Niraj Joshi

Humanity means the quality of being humane. The word Humanity is used for whole human species. The word Humanity is from Latin word “Humanitas” which means human nature, kindness. It is also used for values which makes us true human that makes unconditional love, kindness, honesty, helpfulness, loyalty, understanding of other truthfulness etc.

There is a Chinese saying that goes”If you want happiness for an hour, take a nap. If you want happiness for a day, go for a fishing. If you want happiness for a year, inherit a fortune. If you u want happiness for a life time help somebody. For a centuries the greatest thinkers have suggested the same things i.e Happiness is found in helping others. It is better to give than to receive. Our passion should be the foundation for our giving. While giving something like gift, efforts,helps is more valuable to the receiver and more satisfying fir the giver than anything else.

For instance Whole world is adversely effected/infected by the most dangerous disease named Corona virus. This disease start from china and comes upto whole world. Chinese Doctor in heal itself from it more effectively and efficiently while other countries like Italy, Germany, France, Spain, Iran, America and many other countries were effected adversely. Chinese Doctor team were ready to help those countries who were adversely from this disease. These kind of helpness is known as spreading humanity. While another sort of example is that Chinese billionaire Jack MA The founder of E-Commerce gaint Ali baba also help the south Asian countries by providing medical equipment in free of cost in necessary situation without any selflessness. These kind of behaviour indicates spreading humanity to those who really need this.

So Helping people without any return is known as Humanity.

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