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Tragedy - a poem by Dipesh

Written by Dipesh Khanal

Tragedy Beneath the bough Under the shadow
Watching the cattle over the meadow
Inside my soul, something’s cold Blind;
I’m what my eyes behold Oh my lord what a tragedy
Being on this threshold, being on this threshold
Everything seems doomed
If only i m fine
Have this tragedy zoomed
Still under the shadow
Not this time under the bough
But the shadow’s yours; that I could never get rid of
Never get rid of Oh my lord how could it
Be a tragedy, a tragedy Adhered to you and the moments
Can’t go away ere long
Nowhere I do go Babble this song
Oh my lord; the Tragedy I’m embellished with.

Know your all diddy things
Give away all my love Lost all of my cares
Exquisite you were A ninny I was Left into pieces
Under the shadow Along the tragedies
Beneath the bough Under the shadow
Beneath the bough Under the shadow
The tragedy I only know

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