
NRB Computer Notes for Banking Notes

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Windows is a personal computer operating system from Microsoft, with some common business applications such as Microsoft Word and Excel has become a de facto “Standard” for individuals in most corporations and home.


Components of Windows

  • Desktop
  • Desktop Icons
  • Start Menu Program
  • Taskbar
  • Control Panel
  • User Management
  • Device Manager
  • Programs, etc.



Some Keyword
Windows Key + R = Run

Windows Key + E = Explorer

Alt + F4 = Close

Run: winword (To open MS Word)

Run: excel (To open MS Excel)

Run: powerpnt (To open MS Power Point)

Run: control (To open Control Panel)

Run: fonts (To open fonts)

Run: dxdiag (To view System Information)

Run: C: (To open C:>)

Run: temp or %temp% ( To view temp. file)

Run: cmd (To go on Command Mode)

C:> dir (To display the files and folders)

C:> dir/ah (To Display the hidden files and folders)

C:> Date (To View Current Date)

C:> Time (To View Current Time)

C:> MD DN (DN=Directory (Folder) Name, To Create Folder)

C:> CD DN (To Enter inside folder)

C:> CD.. (To exit from folder)

C:> RD DN (To Delete folder)

C:> Copy Con FN (FN=File Name, To Create File) : add some content and save it by pressing ctrl+z and do Enter

C:> Type FN (To open the file)

C:> Edit FN (To edit file)

C:> Del FN (To Delete file)

C:> CLS (To Clear Screen)

C:> ipconfig (To view IP address)

C:> ipconfig/all (To view details of IP address)

C:>D:(To change the drive or path from C:> to D:>)

C:> Exit (To Close Command Mode)

Difference Between GUI and CUI

Diff GUI and CUI

Some Questions

  1. What do you mean by Windows? What are the components of Windows?
  2. Differentiate between CUI and GUI.

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