
Knowledge management

Meaning of knowledge management

Organizational efficiency depends upon the knowledge of human resources. Knowledge management is the utilization of the capacity of employee with information, technology, research, and management. Generally, knowledge means strategy, practice, insights, experiences and methods. But it only becomes knowledge when one is able to realize and understand the patterns and their implications. In an organization, employees traditionally added value to organizational work because of what they did or because of what they did or because of their experience. In modern information age, however, employees add values because of what they know. Knowledge management is concerned with facilitating, the creating, sharing, combining, transferring and applications of organizational knowledge. Knowledge management emerged as a scientific discipline in the earlier 1990s. Due to it, knowledge management discipline has been gradually moving towards academic maturity.

Types of knowledge management perspectives

Organizational: With a focus on how an organization can be designed to facilitate knowledge processes best.

Techno-centric: With a focus on technology, ideally those that enhance knowledge sharing and creation.

Ecological: With the focus on interaction of people, identity, knowledge and environmental factors as a complex adaptive system a kin to a natural ecosystem.

In brief knowledge management means

  • Focus on organizational goals, knowledge and process of sharing
  • Making organizational knowledge visible and accessible
  • Fostering knowledge creating and sharing communities
  • When possible, externalizing relatively tact knowledge and documenting it

Types of organizational knowledge

  1. Tacit vs. explicit knowledge
  2. Represents internalized knowledge that an individual may not be consciously aware of such as how he or she accomplishes particular task
  3. Represents knowledge tat the individual holds consciously in metal focus in a form that can easily be communicated to others
  4. De claratibvel (know – what)
  5. Procedural knowledge (know how)
  6. Casual (know why)
  7. Conditional (know when under what condition)
  8. Relational (know with)

Objectives of knowledge management

  1. To create the knowledge
  2. To making knowledge visible and applicable
  3. To encourage knowledge sharing and transfer (as opposed to knowledge hoarding)
  4. To build knowledge infrastructure
  5. To develop knowledge focused culture
  6. To promote knowledge, focused communities’ knowledge creation. storage/retrieval, sharing/transfer, application
  7. To minimize the cost of training and development.
  8. To put pressure on revenue productivity

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