Activity 1
Create the table as below (start with table headers and then values) :
StudentID | FirstName | LastName | Gender | Age | City | State | Country |
1 | John | Doe | M | 25 | New York | NY | USA |
2 | Jane | Doe | F | 22 | Los Angeles | CA | USA |
3 | Bob | Smith | M | 27 | Chicago | IL | USA |
4 | Alice | Johnson | F | 21 | Houston | TX | USA |
5 | Tom | Jones | M | 24 | London | NULL | UK |
6 | Linda | Smith | F | 23 | Paris | NULL | France |
Need help? Follow the code as below to create a table:
FirstName VARCHAR(50),
LastName VARCHAR(50),
Gender CHAR(1),
Age INT,
City VARCHAR(50),
State VARCHAR(50),
Country VARCHAR(50)
Now, insert values in the table with this:
(1, 'John', 'Doe', 'M', 25, 'New York', 'NY', 'USA'),
(2, 'Jane', 'Doe', 'F', 22, 'Los Angeles', 'CA', 'USA'),
(3, 'Bob', 'Smith', 'M', 27, 'Chicago', 'IL', 'USA'),
(4, 'Alice', 'Johnson', 'F', 21, 'Houston', 'TX', 'USA'),
(5, 'Tom', 'Jones', 'M', 24, 'London', NULL, 'UK'),
(6, 'Linda', 'Smith', 'F', 23, 'Paris', NULL, 'France');
Now, answer the following questions:
- Select all students from the USA.
- Select all students from the USA who are over 25 years old.
- Select all students who are either from New York or Los Angeles.
- Select all students who are not from the USA.
- Select all students who are not from the USA and are over 25 years old.
- Select all students from the USA.
- Select all students from the USA who are over 25 years old.
- Select all students who are either from New York or Los Angeles.
- Select all students who are not from the USA.
- Select all students who are not from the USA and are over 25 years old.
- Select all students and include a computed field called 'FullName' which is the concatenation of first and last name.
- Select all students and include a computed field called 'GenderAndAge' which is a concatenation of gender and age, separated by a dash.
-- 1. Select all students from the USA.
SELECT * FROM Students WHERE Country = 'USA';
-- 2. Select all students from the USA who are over 25 years old.
SELECT * FROM Students WHERE Country = 'USA' AND Age > 25;
-- 3. Select all students who are either from New York or Los Angeles.
SELECT * FROM Students WHERE City = 'New York' OR City = 'Los Angeles';
-- 4. Select all students who are not from the USA.
SELECT * FROM Students WHERE Country <> 'USA';
-- 5. Select all students who are not from the USA and are over 25 years old.
SELECT * FROM Students WHERE Country <> 'USA' AND Age > 25;
-- 6. Select all students whose age is between 22 and 25 inclusive.
-- 7. Select all students whose last name starts with 'S'.
SELECT * FROM Students WHERE LastName LIKE 'S%';
-- 8. Select all students whose first name is 'Bob' or 'Tom' or 'Linda'.
SELECT * FROM Students WHERE FirstName IN ('Bob', 'Tom', 'Linda');
-- 9. Select all students and include a computed field called 'FullName' which is the concatenation of first and last name.
SELECT *, CONCAT(FirstName, ' ', LastName) AS FullName FROM Students;
-- 10. Select all students and include a computed field called 'GenderAndAge' which is a concatenation of gender and age, separated by a dash.
SELECT *, CONCAT(Gender, '-', Age) AS GenderAndAge FROM Students;
Activity 2
Create a table called Employees with columns for employee ID, name, job title, department ID, and salary.
CREATE TABLE Employees (
Name VARCHAR(50),
JobTitle VARCHAR(50),
DepartmentID INT,
Salary INT
Insert some sample data into the Employees table.
(1, 'John Smith', 'Manager', 1, 80000),
(2, 'Jane Doe', 'Sales Representative', 2, 60000),
(3, 'Bob Johnson', 'Software Developer', 3, 70000),
(4, 'Alice Brown', 'Sales Manager', 2, 90000),
(5, 'Tom Jones', 'Software Architect', 3, 100000),
(6, 'Linda Davis', 'HR Specialist', 4, 50000);
Now, work to answer the following questions:
- Select all employees from department 3.
- Select all employees who make more than $70,000 per year.
- Select all employees whose job title contains the word 'Manager'.
- Select all employees who work in departments other than department 2.
- Select all employees who work in departments other than department 2 and make more than $70,000 per year.
- Select all employees whose salary is between $60,000 and $80,000 inclusive.
- Select all employees whose name starts with 'J'.
- Select all employees whose job title is 'Manager' or 'Sales Representative'.
- Select all employees and include a computed field called 'FullName' which is the concatenation of first and last name.
- Select all employees and include a computed field called 'DepartmentAndJobTitle' which is a concatenation of department and job title, separated by a comma.
Activity 3
Create table as below:
CREATE TABLE Employees (
FirstName VARCHAR(50),
LastName VARCHAR(50),
Email VARCHAR(50),
Phone VARCHAR(20),
Address VARCHAR(100),
HireDate DATE,
Salary INT,
Department VARCHAR(50)
Insert the following values:
(1, 'John', 'Doe', '', '555-1234', '123 Main St, Anytown USA', '2020-01-01', 50000, 'Sales'),
(2, 'Jane', 'Smith', '', '555-5678', '456 Oak St, Anytown USA', '2019-05-15', 60000, 'Marketing'),
(3, 'Bob', 'Johnson', '', '555-4321', '789 Pine St, Anytown USA', '2018-09-01', 70000, 'Finance'),
(4, 'Alice', 'Williams', '', '555-8765', '321 Maple St, Anytown USA', '2021-03-01', 55000, 'Sales'),
(5, 'Tom', 'Jones', '', '555-2468', '654 Elm St, Anytown USA', '2017-01-01', 75000, 'Finance'),
(6, 'Linda', 'Davis', '', '555-3698', '987 Cedar St, Anytown USA', '2022-01-01', 80000, 'Marketing');
Now, work to answer the following questions:
- Select all employees in the Sales department.
- Select all employees in the Finance department with a salary greater than $60,000.
- Select all employees whose last name starts with 'D'.
- Select all employees hired after January 1st, 2020.
- Select all employees whose first name is either 'John' or 'Jane'.
- Select all employees whose salary is between $50,000 and $70,000.
- Select all employees whose email address contains ''.
- Select all employees and include a computed field called 'FullName' which is the concatenation of first and last name.
- Select all employees and include a computed field called 'SalaryPerMonth' which is the employee's annual salary divided by 12.
- Select all employees and include a computed field called 'YearsOfService' which is the number of years the employee has been with the company.
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