
Discussion on: Grievance Procedure and how is that different than redundancy procedure

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Grievance is an official statement of a complaint over something believed to be wrong or unfair. In an organizational context, it is the formal complaint raised by an employee towards an employer within the workplace that may result from breach of terms and conditions of employment contract, raises and promotions, harassment and discrimination in the workplace.
Grievance procedure is a means of dispute resolution that can be used by a company to address complaints by employees. It provides a hierarchical structure for presenting and setting workplace disputes. It is a step by step process an employee should follow to get his/her complaint addressed satisfactorily (Business Dictionary, n.d.).
A grievance procedure provides a channel for an aggrieved employee to express and present his grievance, an assurance for dispassionate handling of one’s grievance, an assurance about the availability of some machinery for prompt handling of grievance and a means by which an aggrieved employee can release his feelings of discontent or dissatisfaction with his job (Chand , n.d.).
The main stages for raising grievances as given by Armstrong are:

  1. The employee raises the matter with the immediate leader or manager. He can also opt for the company of a fellow employee.
  2. If the employee is satisfied with the decision of immediate supervisor, the grievance is handled. It the decision of immediate manager is not acceptable to the employee, he can call for a meeting with senior manager that takes place within five working days. The meeting is attended by the manager, human resource manager, the employee raising the matter and his representatives.
  3. If the senior manager is also not able in addressing the grievance, then meeting with director is held within five working days. The meeting is attended by director, head of human resource, the employee appealing and his representatives. The mangers should acknowledge the dissatisfaction of the employees, define the major cause of the dissatisfaction, find the relevant fact associated with the dissatisfaction, give decision by analyzing the facts and follow up the decision in order to address the grievance effectively (Shabana, n.d.). Redundancy is the state of being no longer in employment because there is no more work available. It is the situation when someone loses the job because his employers doesnot need him anymore due to closure or downsizing of the business and/or changes in the work process. Redundancy procedure aims to meet the strategy, ethical and practical considerations in dealing with such situation. In case of proposed redundancy, the employer should disclose the reasons for proposed redundancies, number and descriptions of employees affected, proposed method of selecting the employees who may be dismissed, proposed method of carrying out dismissals and ways of calculating redundancy payment (Acas, n.d.).

Depending on the size and nature of the organization, the redundancy procedure consists of the following elements as stated in Acas:

  • Introduction statement of intent towards maintaining job security, wherever possible

  • Details of the consultation arrangement with trade unions and employee representatives

  • Measures for minimizing or avoiding compulsory redundancies

  • General guidance on selection criteria

  • Details of severance terms

  • Details of relacation expenses and appeal procedures

  • Policy on helping redundant employees obtain training or search for alternative work.

The grievance is subjective and different according to the employees whereas redundancy is more of a organization’s business. The grievance handling focuses on solving the problems faced by individual employee while redundancy aims on solving the problems of the organization as a whole. So the redundancy preocedure is more time comsuming than the grievance procedure. The grievance procedure aims on addressing the employee’s issue to motivate them to work by making them feel valued. On the other hand, redundancy procedure aims on sustaining the organization by laying off certain number of employees.

Acas. (n.d.). Redundancy Consultation and Procedure . Retrieved from Redundancy procedure: acas.org.uk/index.aspx?articleid=4256

Armstrong, M. (2012). Armstrong’s Hnadbook of Human Resource Mangement Practice. London: Kogan Page.

Business Dictionary. (n.d.). Grievance Procedure . Retrieved from Definition: businessdictionary.com/definition/...

Chand , S. (n.d.). Steps Involved in Employee Grievance Procedure . Retrieved from yourarticlelibrary.com/employee-ma...

Shabana, S. (n.d.). Grievance Handling Procedure . Retrieved from Steps, Need and Elements: businessmanagementideas.com/human-...