The Pygmalion effect explains that there is positive correlation between leader expectation and follower experience. The behavior expressed by leader affects the performance of the followers. Higher expectation from the leader will lead to increase in performance and lower expectation leads to decrease in performance. The Pygmalion effect states that when we expect certain behavior from others, we are likely to act in ways that make the expected behavior more likely to occur (Wikipedia, n.d.).
The Pygmalion effect is a self-fulfilling prophecy that works in a circular mechanism and the cycle explains:
Other people’s beliefs about us influence their actions towards us.
Their action towards us influence and reinforce our beliefs about ourselves.
Our beliefs about ourselves influence our actions towards others.
Our action towards others impact other people’s beliefs towards us.
In short, it deals with the phenomenon that higher expectations result in better performance (The World Counts, n.d.).
People are influenced by the expectations built upon them. In an organization, managers, superiors or bosses play an important role in influencing the output of their employees. By motivating, encouraging and expecting better from team members, they can improve productivity. For example: If an employee is very talented and capable, the managers need to let him know that the organization has high expectations from him and reinforce him continuously to perform better. The little encouragement can make him feel valued, comforted, trusted and safe. As aresult, he will develop positive behavior and will perform as expected or even better.
Self-determination is the characteristic of a person that leads them to make choices and decisions based on their own preferences and interests, to monitor and regulate their own actions and to be goal-oriented and self-directing (National Gateway to Self-Determination, n.d.). If the leader shows trust and confidence upon the followers, they tenad to have higher self-determination. By supporting the natural or intrinsic tendencies of people, leaders can help them behave in effective and healthy ways.
As per Kouzes and Posner, the core principles of self determination and organization,s citizen behavior in the organizational context are:
Competence: Competence refers to the belief in self to perform well in certain activities in the organization. It is one of the important factors for intrinsic motivation as well as self-determination. Promoting competency can foster growth of the employees and push them to give their best.
Relatedness: As human, we want to feel connected and cared. The sense of belongingness one feels being a part of the team can promote self-determination. The interactions with others help people develop new knowledge, ideas and understandings that will make them feel more confident and knowledgeable resulting in increased self-determination.
Autonomy: Giving certain degree of freedom to the employees will make them feel good about their position in the organization. It will further demand high dedication from the employees. Adding responsibility by giving autonomy helps individuals to take care of matters with their own judgments and skills that promotes self-determination.
Self-loafing is the tendency of individuals to put forth less report when they are part of a team. The people who perform exceptionally well working individually may give very little input while working in a team which is referred to as self-loafing. For example: A team is formed in an organization to write new employee manual. But some employees who had greater effort in tasks they have performed individually did not put much effort and gave very few suggestions in the process. Self-loafing may result due to unequal distribution of workload, lack of proper evaluation system and unequal rewards (Transport Lab, n.d.).
The ways or addressing self-loafing are:
Creating small groups with team members from diverse background so that the contribution of every team member is noticeable. This helps to confront easily to the one who is not performing well. For example: while giving a presentation in small groups, the team member who is less willing and participative can be easily identified so there is less chance of self-loafing.
Assigning distinct roles and responsibilities to every members in the team so that they are forced to completed their part of work to get the group work done. This will make them obliged to give their best to the team.
Creating groups of people with similar interests and objectives so that they feel more connected to the group and perform better. Once they feel connected to the group, they will automatically give their best not to let down the other members.
Creating effective evaluation system to judge the individual performance of each members within the group and review the work in continuous basis.
Associating rewards with the individual input one gives in the completion of the team work.
Kouzes, J. M., & Posner, B. Z. (2012). The Leadership Challenge. San Francisco: A Wiley Brand.
The Pygmalion effect explains that there is positive correlation between leader expectation and follower experience. The behavior expressed by leader affects the performance of the followers. Higher expectation from the leader will lead to increase in performance and lower expectation leads to decrease in performance. The Pygmalion effect states that when we expect certain behavior from others, we are likely to act in ways that make the expected behavior more likely to occur (Wikipedia, n.d.).
The Pygmalion effect is a self-fulfilling prophecy that works in a circular mechanism and the cycle explains:
In short, it deals with the phenomenon that higher expectations result in better performance (The World Counts, n.d.).
People are influenced by the expectations built upon them. In an organization, managers, superiors or bosses play an important role in influencing the output of their employees. By motivating, encouraging and expecting better from team members, they can improve productivity. For example: If an employee is very talented and capable, the managers need to let him know that the organization has high expectations from him and reinforce him continuously to perform better. The little encouragement can make him feel valued, comforted, trusted and safe. As aresult, he will develop positive behavior and will perform as expected or even better.
Self-determination is the characteristic of a person that leads them to make choices and decisions based on their own preferences and interests, to monitor and regulate their own actions and to be goal-oriented and self-directing (National Gateway to Self-Determination, n.d.). If the leader shows trust and confidence upon the followers, they tenad to have higher self-determination. By supporting the natural or intrinsic tendencies of people, leaders can help them behave in effective and healthy ways.
As per Kouzes and Posner, the core principles of self determination and organization,s citizen behavior in the organizational context are:
Competence: Competence refers to the belief in self to perform well in certain activities in the organization. It is one of the important factors for intrinsic motivation as well as self-determination. Promoting competency can foster growth of the employees and push them to give their best.
Relatedness: As human, we want to feel connected and cared. The sense of belongingness one feels being a part of the team can promote self-determination. The interactions with others help people develop new knowledge, ideas and understandings that will make them feel more confident and knowledgeable resulting in increased self-determination.
Autonomy: Giving certain degree of freedom to the employees will make them feel good about their position in the organization. It will further demand high dedication from the employees. Adding responsibility by giving autonomy helps individuals to take care of matters with their own judgments and skills that promotes self-determination.
Self-loafing is the tendency of individuals to put forth less report when they are part of a team. The people who perform exceptionally well working individually may give very little input while working in a team which is referred to as self-loafing. For example: A team is formed in an organization to write new employee manual. But some employees who had greater effort in tasks they have performed individually did not put much effort and gave very few suggestions in the process. Self-loafing may result due to unequal distribution of workload, lack of proper evaluation system and unequal rewards (Transport Lab, n.d.).
The ways or addressing self-loafing are:
Creating groups of people with similar interests and objectives so that they feel more connected to the group and perform better. Once they feel connected to the group, they will automatically give their best not to let down the other members.
Kouzes, J. M., & Posner, B. Z. (2012). The Leadership Challenge. San Francisco: A Wiley Brand.
National Gateway to Self-Determination. (n.d.). Wha is self-determination? Retrieved from
The World Counts. (n.d.). Life Potentials . Retrieved from Pygmalion Effevt Examples:
Transport Lab. (n.d.). How to Manage Social Loafing . Retrieved from
Wikipedia. (n.d.). Pygmalion Effect . Retrieved from