1. Employment opportunities
Cottage and small industries provide employment to every sort to skilled people (skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled). It provides alternative job opportunities.
2. Utilization of local resources
Cottage and small scale industries are established in rural area by some local people. So, this type of industry uses the local resource available in that area.
3. Source of foreign currency
Cottage and small scale industry produce handicrafts, painting etc which attracts tourist. About 37% of total export is enveloped by the product of these industries. So, it is the source of foreign currency.
4. Government revenue
Since, 37% of total export is enveloped by cottage and small scale industries, government can even revenue through scales tax, income tax, export tax, vat etc. So, there is the ultimate increase in Government revenue.
5. Living standard
Cottage and small scale industries are simple and are operated with limited capital but also increases/upgrades living standard people can earn sufficient amount to sustain their life and fulfillment of their needs.
Addition as suggested by Abishek
Small Scale Industry:
In the small scale industry the male members of the family along with hired labour work together. In small industries, electric power and improved machines are mostly used in subcontinental the firm employing less than 10 persons are classified as small. In subcontinental Carpet industry, poultry farming, beekeeping, tailoring and furniture making is included in the cottage and small industry.
Importance: There is a shortage of capital and technical skill in subcontinental. It is not possible to establish the heavy industries. While it is very easy to increase the number of small scale industries. The examples of Japan, Hong Kong and Taiwan are before us.
Following are the main advantages of small scale industry in subcontinental :
1. Increase in Industrial Product :-
There is a shortage of manufactured goods in our area. We spend a lot of foreign exchange on the import of these goods every year. So we should increase the small scale and cottage industry to remove the shortage of these goods.
2. Increase in Employment :-
The rate of unemployment is increasing day by day. To control unemployment it is necessary that we should increase the small scale industries because these are labour-intensive. Our farmer can also easily work in small scale industry. It is not possible to provide Govt. jobs to all the unemployed people. It may also increase the self employment.
3. Increase in Foreign Exchange Earnings :-
The various kinds of goods like carpets and sports sold in the international market. We earn a lot of foreign exchange by exporting these goods.
4. Use of Industrial waste :-
The waste of large scale industries like cotton and steel can be used by the small scale industry. In this way we can save a lot of capital.
5. Provides Employment to Women :-
Our women are engaged in the cottage and small scale industry and increasing the production. Because in our society women can not work with other men in the factories. We should increase the number of cottage industries to make the female sector a real asset of the nation.
6. Increase in The Income :-
Increase in the production of goods on small scale increase the income of the people. The rise in income improves the standard of living. In rural areas there is great need of small scale industry.
7. Cheaper Production :-
The small scale industry is labor-intensive while labor is cheap in subcontinental, so the production of small scale industry is cheaper. Due to low prices people purchase more goods and market expands.
8. Proper Distribution of Wealth :-
The small scale industry increases the income of the people and reduces the gap between rich and poor. We can reduce the poverty by expanding the small scale industry.
9. establishment With Small Capital :-
We can establish these industries with small capital. In subcontinental most of the people are poor, so they can start the production with small capital.
10. Development of Backward Areas
We can develop backward areas by establishing the small scale industry in these areas. It will remove poverty from backward areas.
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