
Measures and Issues of Rights of Minorities and Indigenous Peoples

  • Full measure of human rights and fundamental freedoms without hindrance or discrimination.
  • Special measures for safeguarding the persons, institutions, property, labour, cultures and environment of the peoples concerned.
  • Such special measures shall not be contrary to the freely-expressed wishes of the peoples concerned.


  • Land right (Adequate procedures shall be established within the national legal system)
  • Enjoyment of the general rights of citizenship
  • life and work and levels of health and education
  • assess the social, spiritual, cultural and environmental impact on them of planned development activities.
  • effective protection with regard to recruitment and conditions of employment
  • Social security and health
  • Education and means of communication (special needs, and shall incorporate their histories, their knowledge and technologies)
  • Children belonging to the peoples concerned shall, wherever practicable, be taught to read and write in their own indigenous language or in the language most commonly used by the group to which they belong
  • Contacts and co-operation across borders: Governments shall take appropriate measures, including by means of international agreements, to facilitate contacts and co-operation between indigenous and tribal peoples across borders, including activities in the economic, social, cultural, spiritual and environmental fields.

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