
Cover image for 27th Convocation of Kathmandu University
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27th Convocation of Kathmandu University

Kathmandu University (KU) , Dhulikhel, Kavre has published form fill-up notice to participate in 27th Convocation Ceremony.


Students in the School of Arts, Education, Engineering, Management, Science, and Medical Science who graduate by Mangsir 3, 2078 (November 19, 2021) are eligible to participate in the event.

Graduates who are qualified and interested in participating should fill out the online application form.

The application must be submitted by Mangsir 5, 2078. (November 21, 2021). The needed documentation must be attached to the form on this website by interested students.

The graduating candidate need to submit following details online:

  • One recent passport size photo
  • Bank voucher (Nrs. 5500/-) in the name of Kathmandu University in the following any Bank Account.

Nabil Bank Limited: Account No. 0110010955102
Machhapuchhre Bank Limited: Account No. 2001524044147071
Nepal Investment Bank Limited: Account No. 00501030250009

  • Graduate of MCh., DM, MD, MS, MDS, and MSc. from School of Medical Sciences must submit Marksheet.
  • Graduate of MBBS, BDS, BPT and BNS(3 years + 1 year) must submit transcript and intership.
  • Graduate of B.Sc. in Nursing and BNS (4 years) from School of Medical Sciences and all levels of other Schools (Arts, Education, Engineering, Law, Management and Science) must submit transcript.
  • Deadline of Online Form Submission : November 21, 2021 (Mangsir 5, 2078)
  • Convocation Date: December 15, 2021 (Mangsir 29, 2078)

For more deatils, view the official notice below:

Kathmandu University 27th Convocation Notice

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