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Ebola Virus in Nepal?

KATHMANDU: Many people are now well aware of the dangerous ebola virus. It’s the same new dangerous virus which has been spreading from people to people and in various parts of the globe. But its impact has already been so vivid that it has caught several individuals into it’s grip and even killing several of them in the process.

Ebola, first appeared in 1976 in 2 simultaneous outbreaks, in Nzara, Sudan, and in Yambuku, Democratic Republic of Congo. The latter was in a village situated near the Ebola River, from which the disease takes its name.

Ebola virus disease (EVD), formerly known as Ebola haemorrhagic fever, is a severe, often fatal illness in humans. EVD outbreaks have a case fatality rate of up to 90%. EVD outbreaks occur primarily in remote villages in Central and West Africa, near tropical rainforests. The virus is transmitted to people from wild animals and spreads in the human population through human-to-human transmission.Fruit bats of the Pteropodidae family are considered to be the natural host of the Ebola virus.

Even in popular networking sites like Facebook, many people have been posting pictures of the people suffering from this dangerous virus and sharing such posts. Many analysis have been done and there were some reports predicting that this terrifying virus could also spread in Nepal. And recently, the media were flashing that the danger had finally arrived.

Recently, officials from Nepal who were sent to Liberia through UN Peacekeeping force to help Liberia since they were the prime victims of this virus returned. And the media flashed that the officials returning from Liberia to Nepal had suffered from this dangerous virus and it created quite a ruckus in the country. This news went viral and many people even posted this news in Facebook, since then thousands of people have shared the news in their profile.

Nepal Army (NA) has expressed its serious concern over recent media reports claiming that one of the army personnel back from UN peacekeeping mission in Africa was infected by Ebola Virus.

NA Public Relations Directorate said that one of the Liberia-returnee army officials has been kept under observation at Army Barrack in Nagarkot, issuing a press statement today. Furthermore, the statement said that thus far the infection has not been proven yet.

According to the statement, the official army who returned from Liberia to Nepal after completing their UN Peace keeping force mission were kept at Tribhuwan International Airport to confirm the news about the virus. They were kept at the airport upon their arrival and they were put to test to confirm the rumour. Furthermore, the statement said that the personnel are kept under a three week incubation period. And after the incubation period, the results were out and the personnels who were sent for test have returned to their official works confirming the fact that they have not suffered from Ebola virus. The statement also said,”Army troops due to leave for missions in African countries are being given special orientation on ways to prevent Ebola infection.”

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