Attempting every exam in high school is a step towards some achievement, big or small. No matter exam be in form of written or oral, internal or boards, it carries a big hope, big vigor, big excitement, big nervousness, big dream, big determination and bigger success. Usually in Nepal, students often stereotype exam as trouble and disgust and result day as worry and pain. They usually do not care to understand that exams, no matter how much troublesome they are, will in the end bring the result of their determination and result, no matter how much painful they are, will make us ready for bigger challenges in the future. Exams and results help us to grow active and mature. We students must be able to find out that exams are not only a part of our life but is the way of living. Those valuable 3 hours in exam hall can be major factor for determining our future. After all especially in society like ours, a single result decides, not only about fate of students but dedication of teachers, parents and society too.
No matter how old you grow, in which class or level you reach, what capacities you grow in yourself and how much determined and confined you are, results will continue to remain a major cause of worry or major cause of satisfaction in your life. In Nepal, passing HSEB (high school) not only gives you a sense of freedom from regular routine and disciplined school life but lets you be more secured about your future. HSEB result causes to be of utmost significance and a life changing experience. And because of this reason, any delay or hassle in obtaining your HSEB results is a great turn off.
However, educational board (HSEB), sometimes, has not been able to publish results timely and this is causing lot of trouble for students especially who are trying to study abroad after +2 and ones seeking to get admitted here in Nepal for their further studies. Delay in results has made students difficult to catch up with the academic session for abroad study. Not only that, sometimes HSEB is accused of not publishing the results fairly. And this has always questioned the sincerity of HSEB. However, re-totaling system has somehow helped students to check about their doubt but lack of ambition from HSEB has deteriorated any hope of correction as well.
How to view result once published ?
Once published, results can be viewed on NTC Website and HSEB Board site online. No other website are given official permission for the result publication.
The result can also be known by dialing the number 1601 and following the instruction that follows.
Also, there are several SMS Services which provides the result at your cell phone with certain charges included.
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