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Invalid/Unapproved Application form for IOE Entrance Exam

This list attached in the pdf is the List of applicants failing to provide appropriate credentials for having mistake either in photograph or identification document. The person with the error must immediately contact CIT, Central Campus, Pulchowk for correction. Otherwise that person may be disqualified for entrance examination.

Correction provision for applicants outside Kathmandu Valley

  1. Deposit NRs 150 in any Branch of Siddhartha Bank using regular voucher, account named as Center for Information Technology(CIT), Pulchowk and account number as 00915054889. Please mention your name and form number in deposited by section in the voucher.
  2. Compose an email stating your name, date of birth, form no, fields to be corrected and the correct information to be filled.
  3. Send that email to [email protected].

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