Sanothimi, Bhaktapur Medical Education Commission has issued an application for students studying medicine overseas who have been unable to complete their internship due to Covid 19.
It is not possible to finish the internship time at the involved university due to the difficult circumstances of COVID 19 students studying medicine overseas.
Students who have passed the final examination but have not completed the internship period by the end of April 2020 will be required to complete the remaining duration in Nepal for the last time.
The Medical Education Commission’s Executive Committee made the decision on March 15, 2078.
Students studying medical education abroad are advised to apply online as per the details for students who want to complete the internship if the internship is not completed due to COVID 19.
According to the decision of the Internship Management Committee formed on 2078-3-21, students studying medical education abroad are advised to apply online as per the details for students who want to complete the internship if the internship is not completed due to COVID 19.
Vacancy Details:
- Application start date: 2078-3-24 from 10.00 am.
- Application deadline: 2078-4-5 at 5.00 pm.
- Application Fee: Rs. 1500
- Bank for submitting application fee: Account No. 04308931670017 of Medical Education Commission Himalaya Bank Limited.
A link with the information will be available on the website of the Application System Commission.
Documents to be attached with the application:
- Bachelor’s degree certificate or final examination certificate.
- Details of the internship period of the college/university where you are studying (from college)
- Approval or license of the hospital you want to do an internship.
- All the required documents must be submitted in the application form.
- This application will only be for the last time.
- There will be no provision for students who do not fill the form on time. Date of publication of notice: 2078-03-23
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