Nepal Medical Council (NMC) is set to conduct the licensing examination on December 8, 2018. For the same, they’ve released a new accreditation standard for MBBS and BDS programmes. The statement released publicly states that students studying within the country (in Nepal) only require the do internship for six-months while anyone studying at a foreign university need to at least complete an internship of a year before meeting the criteria to appear for the exam.
The students hit the most are the ones who completed their degree in Bangladesh for the MBBS/BDS. There were more than 100 aspirants who are going to be barred from licensing examination for this time. They’ve to complete a full internship for a year before being eligible to appear in the exam.
The president of Nepalese Medical Student Association Bangladesh, Navin Yadav stressed to it being unfair of NMC to do so as the criteria for ones completing their education in local universities is a lot different compared to them. He questions the logic behind it. He also mentioned that it’s a huge blow to those more than 100 students who were all set to appear on the examination but couldn’t given the change in regulation.
Dr Dhundi Raj Paudel sympathizes them as well and mentions that there’s no need to set different criteria for students doing their course in Nepal and abroad.
Dr Dharma Kanta Baskota, President of Nepal Medical Council defended the decision as he highlighted that the regulation was in effect since 2007 itself but was never effectively implemented till date. And, they’re just following the standards in place. He stressed that the decision is nothing new as this was something which was already formulated and set to implement since 2007 itself.
Quotes from The Himalayan Times. News based on urgent notice issued by NMC on October 24
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