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Online System Boosts Revenue Collection

With the installation of an online system in Panchthar’s Land Income Office, revenue collection has increased. Since June 2017, when the leakage of money was stopped thanks to the introduction of an online system, the trend of revenue collection has also increased.

Only 40% of the income was previously received, however it is now claimed that 100% of the revenue has been collected through the online method.

Despite the recent drop in land transactions, Chief of Land Revenue Office Baburam Pokahrel indicated that revenue collection has remained consistent. This, he claims, demonstrates an increase in revenue.

According to him, the tax rate has not been raised. Despite the fact that the tax rate has stayed same, revenue has increased every fiscal year. Only Rs. 16.65 million was collected in the fiscal year 2016/17, Rs. 21.98 million in the fiscal year 2017/18, and Rs. 25.07 million in the fiscal year 2018/19 prior to the adoption of the online system. In fiscal year 2019/2020, Rs. 20.7 million was collected, and Rs. 35.8 million in fiscal year 2020/2021.

He stated that the internet system has been quite beneficial in enhancing income collection.

After all, since the adoption of the internet system, the tax collection system has become much more transparent. Only after declaring the prescribed service fee for any land-related transaction will the online system update the record.

As a result, revenue-related personnel must file. This system has eliminated the opportunity for employees to lower revenue in their own interests, according to Pokharel.

Likewise, service customers have received the same amount of voucher as they paid for the service.

As a result, the online system has been discovered to prevent revenue leakage and deter corruption in a variety of ways.

The online method prevents service recipients from avoiding or even concealing the profit tax they must pay.

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