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People Can Easily Get Vaccine Against COVID-19 At Any Time

Birodh Katiwada, the Minister of Health and Population, has stated that persons who are eligible for COVID-19 vaccinations should not wait in line.

Today, during a joint monitoring of a Pfizer vaccination campaign at Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital, Maharajgunj, by Minister Khatiwada and Donald Lu, United States Assistant Secretary for South and Central Asian Affairs, the Health Minister stated that people can go to vaccination centers in inconvenient places to get the vaccine because there is no shortage of COVID-19 vaccine.

Minister Khatiwada went on to say, “People can now acquire the vaccine at any time at a vaccination center. They don’t have to wait to be vaccinated because they don’t know when, where, or on what day.”

He added that at Bir Hospital, Teaching Hospital, Patan Academy of Health Sciences, Army Hospital, and Nepal Police Hospital, an arrangement has been created to deliver immunizations to the general public around the clock.

He also stated that arrangements will be made to administer immunizations to individuals in the other districts at any moment within a few days.

“In the first step, we started administering Pfizer vaccine to chronic patients in order to train human resources about the vaccine’s impact,” the Minister explained.

After a month, people aged 12 to 18 would be administered the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, according to the Minister. The government is prepared to purchase six million doses of the Pfizer vaccine, and the process is nearing completion.

He promised that the COVID-19 vaccination would reach 100% of the population. Similarly, he continued, health professionals who acted as front-line responders during the COVID-19 outbreak will be provided risk allowance.

“We have requested a budget from the Ministry of Finance for the same.” “We are determined to battling COVID-19 effectively and efficiently,” stated the Health Minister, stressing that the government’s health insurance system would be made available to all.

The US government has been fighting COVID-19 with Nepal since the outset, according to US Assistant Secretary Donald Lu. He promised to give Nepal with an additional supply of vaccines through the COVAX facility. He happened to be at the hospital at the time and witnessed the vaccination.

Dr. Roshan Pokhrel, the Health Secretary, and Randy Berry, the US Ambassador to Nepal, were among those in attendance.

The first dosage of Pfizer vaccine has been administered to 24 hospitals since November 14 and will be completed on November 20. Previously, the US government contributed 100,620 vaccination doses under the COVAX program.

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