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"Spreading Humanity" global open online essay contest

We do not need swords to fight, words do have the power!!!

As they say, Strong people stand up for themselves, but stronger people stand up for others. Realizing the power of words, power of service, power of empathy and humanity, Leo Club of Kathmandu Matribhumi, one of the most active social institutions in Kathmandu is organizing an “Open Essay Competition” on the topic of “Spreading humanity”. Everyone is eligible to take part in the contest. The essay contest is open for all writers all around the globe.

We, humans, have been suffering since our existence, and the recent COVID-19 crisis has made us realize that it is on humans to control the spread of the crisis. The only hope the world has left is spreading humanity, kindness, support, and help. Even if it is not possible, in the current situation, to physically motivate people around the globe, this contest “Spreading Humanity” which is an open essay writing competition can be powerful enough to trigger humanitarian feelings, emotions, and motivate people to give something to the mankind. As warriors, each and every participant can contribute by loading up your pens with words of humanity.

The program has been coordinated by Leo Diwash Subedi who is Vice President of the Club and one of the popular social activists. Chief Judge for the event is Mr. Saroj Mahato (charter president of the club) who is a senior advisor for the Leos in the Kathmandu Valley and also is a renowned Social Activist himself.

The event is a small initiation but it can spread awareness among many people about “why do we need humanity and kindness in the world and why spreading it is necessary “. The major objective for the event along with “spreading humanity” is building fellowship and the humanitarian feeling among people. So, this open essay competition will cherish words and will consider the words as the small step of initiation towards spreading humanity.

Some Important Directions

The topic of the essay : “Spreading Humanity”

Chief Judge: Mr Saroj Mahato

Who can participate : Everyone from around the globe

The last date of submission of the essay is April 18,2020.

Words Limit : 350- 1500 words

You can submit the essay through the link here

Awards: Certificates and exciting gift hampers

What more from Tyrocity?
Also, all the contest entries will be published in Article Hub section of tyrocity.com. The essay with the highest views will be officially recognized in the website and Tyrocity will provide gift hampers and certificates to the highest viewed article as well. So, Make sure to share the article in the social media handles to win additional prizes !!!

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