TU’s Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences has issued an admission notice.
Master and PGD Programs at Tribhuvan University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, under the Dean’s Office Announcement for Admission in Master Programs and Post Graduate Diploma Programs.
According to the FOHSS/TU notification dated 2078/03/21 announcing the beginning of new MA level admissions for the Academic Year 2021 AD, the following Master’s and PGD Programs declare the following admission processes.
Admission eligibility is determined by the curriculum of the relevant departments/programs.
Admission Schedule
- Last date of the form submission: 2078/04/20 (4 August 2021 A.D.)
- Form submission after payment of double fee: up to 2078/04/28 (12 August 2021 A.D.)
- Class commences from 2078/05/20 (5 September 2021 A.D.)
- Application form for Master and PGD Program is to be submitted at respective departments/programs physically or online (at FoHSS website: www.tufohss.edu.np
Entrance date, time, and center
Master Program:
1. Conflict, Peace, and Development (Morning)
- Contact: 014332631; 9841364981, www.dcpds-tu.edu.np.
- Bank & Account No.: Bank of Katlu-nandu Ltd. Account Name: Department of Conflict, Peace & Development Studies, TU Account No. 060000061535524.
- Entrance Exam Date/Time: 31st Shrawan, 08:00 – 10:00 AM
2. Counselling Psychology (Morning)
- Contact: 9849422222; 9851121830
- Bank & Account No.: Nepal Bank Ltd., Kirtipur, 04500106368792000001
- Entrance Exam Date/Time: 31th Shrawan, 01:00- 02:30 PM
3. Gender Studies (Day)
- Contact: 01-4272128; www.dgs.edu.np; [email protected]
- Bank & Account No.: Nepal Bank Ltd. Kantipath, Ac/N. 21700100198070000001
- Entrance Exam Date/Time: 32 Shrawan, 01:00- 03:00 PM
4. Governance and Anti-corruption Studies (Morning)
- Contact: 01-4330345; 9841087180
- Bank & Account No.: Global IMF Bank, Kirtipur, AC/No. 0501010000577
- Entrance Exam Date/Time: 1st Bhadra, 08:00 – 10:00 AM
5. International Relation and Diplomacy (Morning)
- Contact: 01-4335586; 9851166426, [email protected]; www.mirdtu.edu.np
- Bank & Account No.: Global IME Bank (Kirtipur), Bank Account No: 0501010000543, A/C Name: Department of International Relations and Diplomacy
- Entrance Exam Date/Time: 30th Shrawan, 08:00- 10:00 AM
6. Labour Studies (Evening)
- Contact: 9841463717; 98414150779, [email protected]
- Bank & Account No.: Nepal Bank Ltd.(Kirtipur), A/C No. 04500106802180000001
- Entrance Exam Date/Time: 2nd Bhadra, 01:00— 03:00 AM
7. Social Work (Morning)
- Contact: 9841599135
- Bank & Account No.: Global IMF Bank (Kirtipur), Account No.: 0501010000279
- Entrance Exam Date/Time: 2nd Bhadra, 08:00- 10:00 PM
8. Sports Science (Morning)
- Contact: 9851014504; 9841382286
- Bank & Account No.: Nepal Bank Ltd (Kirtipur), AC: Master in Sports Science program, AC/N. 04500100105021000001
- Entrance Exam Date/Time: 3rd Bhadra 08:00— 10:00 AM
9. Tourism and Hospitality Studies (Evening)
- Contact: 01-5527209; 9851081280, [email protected]
- Bank & Account No.: Global IME Bank (Kirtipur), Account Name: TU Master in Tourism and Hospitality Studies, Ac/N. 0501010000471
- Entrance Exam Date/Time: 32nd Shrawan, 01:00-02:30 PM
Post Graduate Program:
10. PGD in School Counseling (Department of Psychology)
- Contact: 9841491747; 9841400414
- Bank & Account No.: Global IME Bank, Kirtipur, AC Name: POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN SCHOOL, COIJNSEILLING, AC/N. 0501010000407
- Entrance Exam Date/Time: 3rd Bhadra 01:00- 03:00 PM
11. PGDY Yoga Since (Morning) (Department of Sanskrit)
- Contact: 9841587473; 014334272
- Bank & Account No.: Nepal Bank Ltd, Kirtipur Ac/ Name-PGDY Yoga AC/N. 04500100104642000002
- Entrance Exam Date/Time: 32nd Shrawan, 08:00— 10:00 AM
- Students who are waiting for the results of Bachelor 3rd year can also apply. However, they have to submit a passed certificate at the time of admission.
- For the details of admission procedures, eligibility, criteria, and selection process contact to respective department and program and the website of the dean’s office: www.tufohss.edu.np
- The application form is to be submitted by paying Rs. 1500/- (Rs One thousand and five hundred only) in the given bank account number of respective Department and Program.
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