
Public Opinion, Introduction and Importance

Public opinion is shaped by relatively permanent circumstanced and by temporary influences.

Permanent circumstances such as race, religion, geographical location, economic status and educational level can strongly influence the public opinion. (Individuals or a particular group)

Temporary factors such as impacts of current events effects of main communications media, propaganda and concerned campaigns of public relations professionals.

It is a survey research in sociology, means collection and analyzing responses of large samples of people.

Public opinion in Nixon’s Vietnam war policies, polls showed that 60% of US people considered war as “immoral” and 70% demanded immediate withdraw from Vietnam.

Importance of Public participation(People’s voice) in Law making process

-Constitution and other law making is not an easy task.

-In societies in which sharply divergent aspirations are present and a common life cannot be assumed, constitution making is difficult task at best.

-It cannot be supposed that clever-drafting can solve the problem by merely writing around it.

-In countries with socio-economic, cultural and geographical diversity as well as with diverse aspirations and needs of people it is even more taken as challenging job.

-Hallmark of present day constitution making process is to ensure maximum participation in law making process.

This is newer form of constitutionalism in order to make law legitimate.

Apparently, it is important in Nepalese context to strengthen democracy and actual justice.

This don’t form an individual’s stand point view but from wider sense.

In contemporary Nepalese constitution building phase, the relationship between people and law is needed; it can be built through it.

-People’s voice is to have their say in different affairs.

It is a participatory democracy, which is accepted on the quite genius democracy.

It’s not only a constitution but entitles public spaces and direct engagement of people.

It is not an end but means to change and develop society.

-Public hearing, consultation, etc.

-Representative from different diverse sector facilitate the process.

Built on a belief that citizens can be trusted to shape their own future, participatory development uses local decision making.

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