
Physics XII Notes for Physics Notes

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Force On Current Carrying Conductor On Magnetic Field

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A conductor consists of large no. of free electrons. Current on the conductor means drifting of such a free electron in any fixed direction due to the motion of such a free electron each electron experience magnetic force and hence conductor itself experience magnetic force. So, when a current carrying conductor is placed in a uniform magnetic field it experience force.

Consider a conductor having length l, cross-section area A in a uniform magnetic field. If n be the number of electrons per unit volume (electron density), vd be the drift velocity of electron having electronic charge e then the current on the conductor is:
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Due to the motion of electron on magnetic field, each electron experience Lorent’s magnetic force.
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Total number of current on the conductor is:
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Total force experienced by the conductor is:
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So the force experienced by the conductor is perpendicular to the plane containing l and B.

Special Case:
we have
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if θ = 90°
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when the current carrying conductor is placed perpendicular to the magnetic field, magnetic field produces maximum force on the conductor.

if θ = 0° or 180°

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when the current carrying conductor is placed parallel or anti parallel with magnetic field then magnetic field produces no force on the conductor.

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