
Discussion on: Sustainability in context of environment and does inequality has any effect on it?

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Sustainability is the study of how natural system function and process everything it needs for the ecology to remain in balance. It is the capacity to improve the quality of human life and the ability to meet the needs of the present while living within the earth’s carrying capacity for supporting eco-systems. According to the environmentalist Paul Hawken, “Sustainability is about stabilizing the currently disruptive relationship between earth’s two most complex systems–human culture and the living world.”

Ekins (2011) in his journal "Progress in Physical Geography” stated that environmental sustainability is the maintenance of important environmental functions which make a significant contribution to human welfare. Environmental sustainability has become increasingly important to the consumer as environmental issues have become larger since the 1980s (Choi & Ng, 2011). We can carry out diverse environmental sustainability practices as the social and economic system and ecological conditions differ from one country to another. Accordingly, there are many forms which we can take to live more sustainably such as developing green technology and renewable energy, reappraising economic sectors like sustainable agriculture, green building and permaculture, reorganizing living conditions in the form of eco-municipalities, making eco-villages and sustainable cities, and making adjustments in individual lifestyle that conserve natural resources.

The world summit on social development identified three pillars of sustainability which are social development, economic development, and environmental protection. This three-pillar suggest that every person should have the satisfactory level of economic well-being, a clean healthy environment, and a robust level of social fulfillment. Environmental protection as the third pillar of sustainable development is regarded as the primary concern of the future of humanity. It explains to us how technology and biotechnology will drive our greener future and how we should protect our ecosystems and air quality.


Choi, S., & Ng, A. (2011, Dec). Environmental and Economic Dimensions of Sustainability and Price Effects on Consumer Responses. Journal of Business Ethics, 104 (2).

Ekins, P. (2011, Oct). Environmental sustainability: From environmental valuation to the sustainability gap. Progress in Physical Geography, 35 (5).