
Discussion on: Sparking imagination of a reader in a sales letter

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Sales letter should be catered to the reader. Focusing on the product rather than the reader is a common misconception when writing a sales letter. "The work of creating an effective letter begins in your head not on a paper. First decide to concentrate on you (the reader) rather than I (the writer). (Bell & Smith, 2006)

The sales letter is a passive way of sales marketing as there is no human emotions involved but rather just words and sentences. Thus it is even more important to give special attention while writing a sales letter to capture the imagination of a reader. Four ways to spark the imagination of a reader has been mentioned below.

1. Hook the reader
One way to hook the reader into following up on the letter till the end is to not disclose what the letter is about right at the beginning but instead telling the reading that you have an exotic and unique thing to offer. People will be hooked to at least know what that thing is. For example, we have something new and exciting that will make your life happier.

2. Principle of authority
This is a principle used as a persuasion for raising confidence on the product to be sold. Sales letter should include impressive name that have authority in them. The name should then be connected to the reader. For example, toothpaste advertisement these days use actors as doctors to say it has been approved by the doctors. This gives the product authority for trust. An example in a sales letter could be, Actor Rajesh Hamal, like you, knows the importance of using Nepatop PPR pipes in your building.

3. Mention local people, places, and events
Figuratively speaking, the words in the letter should jump out of the letter and into the readers mind creating pictures. Mentioning local people, places and events to connect with the reader and create a picture that is familiar which automatically sparks the imagination of the reader. For example, we started our counselling support through music right after the earthquake of 2015 to the affected children in various schools in Lalitpur.

4. Empathize with the reader
If you can relate to what the reader is feeling and write the sales letter based on it, your sales letter will be very effective. For example, we want nothing but the best for our children. These sentiments touch the readers’ emotion and can help guide the reader to the next point we are making.

With all of these it is important to note that the sentences should be short and precise and act as an attractive opening for the body to follow.

Bell, A. H., & Smith, D. M. (2006). The Sales and Promotion Letter. In A. H. Bell, & D. M. Smith, Communication Management (pp. 237-240). Delhi: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.