
Discussion on: What is key to developing an effective sales force?

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Like any side people will have mixed reaction when it comes to who is more effective as a sales force, a person who is self-taught or someone who has received training. Both have their own strong points and cannot comprehend what the other is saying as they have probably not been in their counterpart’s shoes. Stephen Greenberg a long time sales consultant, trainer and coach explains, "Personally, I’m always gratified when my students share their successes and verbalize that their training kicked-in and was what contributed to their success. This is probably a good time to mention that not all sales training is effective. (Greenberg, 2014)” I personally think that effective sales skill can be developed through training but the training should be effective and practical. In addition the trained candidate can only master the sales technique when they repetitively practice and not be discourage or afraid of being rejected.

An article in Business world, Manila on getting the edge in professional selling informs, "Salesmen play an essential role as front liners, taking the responsibility of meeting with potential customers and selling products or services. A well-trained, highly competent sales force will bring in excellent results. Conversely, a sales force composed of salesmen who do not know what they are doing will quickly lose ground and market share. (BusinessWorld, 1999)” It is only right when your sales force knows and understand the techniques to undertake to understand the customer point of view and how your product can make their life easier. This selling point and various practical method to stress this points to convince the buyer can only be learned in a training program.

As informed by Akio Toyoda, President and CEO of Toyota Motor Company, "Being able to grasp what employees are talking about through Salesforce is incredible valuable to me.” One of the biggest auto manufacturing company in the world also agrees that their Salesforce is important and without training a sales force cannot be developed.


BusinessWorld. (1999, September 14). Getting the Edge in Professional Selling: Recruitment blues General News. BusinessWorld, Manila . Retrieved from proxy.lirn.net/MuseProxyID=mp03/Mu...

Greenberg, S. (2014, Mar). The Three Types of Salespeople: They range from having no training at all to being professionally trained. Origination News . Retrieved from proxy.lirn.net/MuseProxyID=mp03/Mu...