
Discussion on: Leadership Practices

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According to the Oxford Dictionary, leadership is the action of leading a group of people or an organization. They help themselves and others do the right things. They inspire and influence a group of people to set a direction and create something new. Leaders guide their followers towards the right destination in an efficient way.

Leaders are people who do the right thing; managers are people who do things right (Bennis, 2014). In 21st century traits such as intelligence, good looks, height and smartness are not only the factors required becoming a leader but also anyone can culture leadership quality in them (Drucker, 1993). Leadership is a characteristic that can be found in each level of the society. An employee working in the lowest level of the hierarchy in an organization can be a leader as well. Leaders are anywhere and in every function and every organization (Posner & Kouzes, 2017). Below are some of the practices that contrast with Kouzes and Posner.

Model the way

Leaders need to lead by example. They are the ones who shows the way. Titles are granted but you need to earn respect with your behavior (Posner & Kouzes, 2017). In contrary to this practice, some leaders fail to abide by their promises and set standards for others. There have been promises made to the public about turning Nepal into Singapore and Switzerland by Politicians but they have not worked towards this direction once they have gained the power.

Inspire a shared vision

A leader is an influencer. They inspire others toward their vision. Be it a revolution or a movement, it all started as a dream of somebody. And when, that somebody was able to influence others in their dreams, they became reality. Any organization succeeds only when Leaders and followers have the shared vision. A Japanese person identifies himself in industrial terms by his workplace and not by his occupation (shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/bitstre..., n.d.). Contrary to this, if people are unsure about the vision, they cannot work towards a mutual goal and vision of the organization might not be accomplished.

Challenge the process

A leader can differentiate between right and wrong and is always ready to challenge the process. Leaders that is ready for the change and who accept the change. Martin Luther king Jr. is one of the greatest civil rights activist. His protest against racism started when an African American woman was arrested for refusing to surrender her seat to a white passenger which in a series of events led more than two hundred and fifty thousand people gathering at the Lincoln memorial to demand more jobs and freedom for African Americans in 1963 (Encyclopedia Britanica).

Encourage the heart

Leaders not only influence their people towards a shared vision but also support and encourage them in times of need. Leaders are the source of hope to their followers. It is the leader who they look up to when things are not going their way. A leader should not act in such a way so as to discourage the followers. Hitler used his power and domination to rule Germany. People were forced to work for him even if they did not agree with his vision.

Bennis, W. (2014, 08 14). inc.com . Retrieved from inc.com/will-yakowicz/7-leadership...

Drucker, P. (1993). Management: Task, Responsibilities, Practices, 1st Edition , 123.

Encyclopedia Britanica. (n.d.). Retrieved from britannica.com/biography/Martin-Lu...

shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/bitstre.... (n.d.).

Posner, B. Z., & Kouzes, J. M. (2017). The Leadership Challenge: How to Make Extraordinary Things Happen in Organizations, 6th Edition.