
Discussion on: How to present and deliver a strong business document?

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A business document is the form which contains the information about the company’s portfolio i.e. its products or services, contractual terms and conditions, the legal form of business and its all identity (Business documents, 2018). Once, we are done with our business document, there comes a part of delivery to the concerned person. The delivery of the subject matter is one of the prominent persuading factors. If the business document is well written but while presenting it is unclear to the client then that has no meaning, so both writing and presenting and delivering business document is more important for the business document.

The delivery of the dialogues, the body language, the connection with the audience and the overall actor performance could only take the document to the level. Let me shortlist some important part to delivery which determines how a strong business document should be represented.

1. Knowing the Audience
To grab the attention of the audience, need assessment is very necessary. If we can understand and identify the business need of the audience then only we can easily address their query and can grab their attention. In the same way, we should also put emphasis on the hidden persuaders such as data, stories, and details according to the audience choice. So while delivering our business document, we should strongly connect with the audience by understanding their expectations, perspective, and attitudes.

2. Body Language
Let us assume, we are done with business documents that contain thorough information regarding our ideas. Once, we deliver in front to the audience and we failed to express losing our confidence then that spoil the document. It is said that the tone of our voice, count for 38%, but, visual cues facial expressions, gestures, pupil dilation etc., make up a massive 55% of our credibility rating to the audience (Freeman, 2009). I have encountered with numbers of presenter, who are focused on their slides, standing in front only, with poor eye connection and small voice which audience could not identify his word. This is why; when we are presenting, strong, positive body language becomes an essential tool in helping us build credibility, express our emotions, and connect with the audience.

3. Preparation
Preparation is the key to confidence, timely presentations and effectiveness. The presenter should know about the business documents before delivering it to the audience. When we are better prepared, it will boost our confidence and make it easier to concentrate on delivering our message. So, while delivering, if we have preparation then it would allow us the benefit of having time calculation, support through the relevancy points, and answer the audience questions.

4. Address audience’s concerns
While delivering or presenting the documents to the audience, the presenter must be able to make a comfortable environment and connect with the audience. If we can make them feel like they co-created the presented content then they’ll not only support us but then they’ll feel more connected and work for that proposal.

To sum up, one should start with a good opening, explaining the main points or contents and adding supporting information to support our arguments by establishing linking statements to make the audience relate it with their needs and requirements and closing with a good note.


Business documents. (2018). In verksamt.se . Retrieved from verksamt.se/web/international/runn...

Freeman, H. (2009) In theguardian. Retrieved from theguardian.com/careers/interviews...