
Discussion on: How companies are integrating social media into their CRM

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If we see the business some decades ago, then there would be a product of the company and its massive demand. In order to fulfil the demand of customer the firm would have high level of production and its supply. This is the reason only because of the few numbers of businesses, high scale of customer demand and few supply of that product. At that time, the availability of product means a lot for the customer rather they questioned for their quality, features, and offers etc. But, the business model has changing the way to business. Today, the customers have numbers of options to that particular product. They can switch to any of their options as per their choices. This has result to hard time for the business firm. If the firm do not concern for the customer satisfaction then there would be no more customer loyalty to the firm. So far, to get the details of customer satisfaction the system called customer relationship management (CRM) is helping for business firm. Wallace (2015), in their book Introduction to information systems, CRM consists of the technologies and processes an organization uses to build relationships with its current and prospective customers. Some common objectives are improving customer retention, improving profitability, growing revenue, and listening to customers.

CRM systems are integrating social networking technologies

This CRM has result for effective outcome through the social media engagement; this has affects the house’s core areas (i.e., acquisition, retention, and termination) and supporting business areas (i.e., people, IT, performance evaluation, metrics and overall marketing strategy) (Malthouse, Haenlein, Skiera, Wege, & Zhang, 2013). Social media (likes Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube) is data focused that allows us to manage, schedule, create, and monitor posts. It offers powerful real-time publishing and engagement platform for content marketers, with comprehensive content performance by social network and time frame. These measures how content is performing (either in real-time or past performance) and view the analytics by post, subgroup, label, campaign, or particular target.

Social media platforms that Dell uses are Twitter, Facebook etc.

Based on the customer engagement on these platforms, Dell develops various strategies and processes that help it build customer loyalty. This social media can effectively facilitate and support collaborative community, and introduce the concept of expressive individuality (Weinberg, de Ruyter, Dellarocas, Buck, & Keeling, 2013). Today, Dell uses Twitter to accomplish four things: inform, sell, engage and support. When Dell realized that many of its Twitter followers were going to the site to voice their customer support issues, it launched Dell Cares, a website designed to proactively reach out to consumers to help them resolve their problems. In the same way, Dell has launched support widgets and apps on its Facebook page designed to allow customers to reach out to Dell Support from within Facebook. To sum up, Dell uses their social accounts on a large scale to increase brand equity, and on a smaller scale, tending to unique and customized needs. When both methods (social media presence and its integration to CRM) are used side by side, it results in a successful and powerful social strategy.


Malthouse, E. C., Haenlein, M., Skiera, B., Wege, E., & Zhang, M. (2013). Managing customer relationships in the social media era: Introducing the social CRM house. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 27 (4), 270-280.

Wallace, P. (2015). Introduction to information systems . Pearson Higher Ed.

Weinberg, B. D., de Ruyter, K., Dellarocas, C., Buck, M., & Keeling, D. I. (2013). Destination social business: Exploring an organization’s journey with social media, collaborative community and expressive individuality. Journal of interactive marketing, 27 (4), 299-310.