
Organizing process

1. Determination of objectives: In the 1st step of organizing process, the objective of an enterprise is to be determined. Every business firm set the goals, and they want to achieve these goals. Further existence of business firms depend on the goal achievement. In this process, strategy, planning and policies are made.

2. Determination of activities: After determination of objective, the activities must be determined. There may be various activities in an enterprise. According to the goals of the firm the activities must be determined. The activity may be divided into different functions like production, financing, sale, administration, recruitment etc. all these activities must be directed towards the goals of the enterprise.

3. Grouping activities: In organization different works of different nature have to be performed. When similar natures of work are grouped in unit, section, or department, then that is known as grouping of activities. It is a function of departmentation. For example the activities of production may be grouped separate in production department

4. Allocation of duties and responsibility: After grouping the activities, an individual is assigned to a specific job or post. According to position, duties, and responsibilities the ob must be specified. When duties are provided to the employee then he/she is responsible for doing the job. Therefore, it is an important step of organizing process.

5. Delegation: Mainly authority is in top-level management. And the authority must be delegated to worker through middle level and lower level management. Authorities, duties, and responsibilities come together. So without authorities, duties, and responsibilities there is no proper work done and balance.

6. Communication: After proper delegation of authority, effective communication system must be developed. It is the most important step that helps in liking so many departments, position and other authority group. When communication system is not effective, the organizing function is not better.

7. Coordination: All employees, department, divisions and branches conduct many activities. Proper and effective coordination coordinates these activities. After communicating all essential information and messages all resources and factors must be coordinated in the enterprise. Without proper coordination, team work can’t be established and consequently the organizational goals can’t be achieved.

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