
Process of Communication

Process of communication

1. Source or sender: the first step in the communication process is source or sender. The source is also called communicator. Communication begins when someone has some idea, information, view, feeling to transmit. The communicator may be a person, group or an organization. When the communicator intends to communicate to somebody communicator prepares the message

2. Encoding: the idea or feeling the sender has to be translated into some language or symbols. This process is called encoding. The sender must choose appropriate words, symbols, pictures etc to express his/her idea. While selecting the symbols, the sender has to pay attention about the receiver understanding the message.

3. Message or medium: the medium is simply the pathway for transmission of the message. Some medium must be selected. This channel is chosen by the sender. They can be formal or informal. Examples are face to face , email, letters, fax. Telephone etc

4. Decoding to the receiver: the receiver assigns some meaning to the symbol transmitted by the source, so the receiver interprets the message and the process is known as decoding. It is not an easy task because words have different meaning for different people. Problems of communication break down frequently.

5. Feedback: this is the final phase. Feedback is the reaction of the receiver. The receiver has to confirm whether the message has been received or not. It is only taken in two-way communication.

6. Noise: it is interference with the normal flow of information. It disturbs the communication system. No matter how well-designed is the communication system; if noise exists the message received is different from message sent. Example: – noise of machines, vehicles, loud voice etc.

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