
Types of cooperative organization

1. Producer co-operatives: Some co-operatives process and market their members’ products and services directly while others may also sell the input necessary to their members’ economic activities. Examples: Agriculture co-operatives, pooling of equipment, advisory services, etc.

2. Multi-stakeholder co-operatives: The membership of these co-operatives is made of different categories of members who share a common interest in the organization. Examples: home care services, health services, community services, etc.

3. Worker co-operatives: The purpose of these co-operatives is to provide their members with work by operating an enterprise. The co-operatives are owned by their employee members. Examples: forestry, leisure, production and manufacturing, tourism, communications and marketing, etc.

4. Worker-Shareholder co-operatives: These are incorporated co-operatives that hold partial ownership of the business in which the co-op’s members are employed. Because of its share capital, the co-operative may participate in the management of the business and the workers may influence work organization. Examples: production and manufacturing, technology, etc.

5. Consumer co-operatives: They provide their members with goods and services for their personal use. Examples: Food, credit unions, housing, insurance co-operatives, etc.

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