
Types of indexing

Types of indexing are listed below:

1. Book index

It is mostly found in register books, notebooks etc. It is simple type of indexing. In this index, book is market with alphabets on the right side of the paper in such a way so that all alphabets can be seen at a glance. Here, name of persons or documents are arranges in alphabetical order. All the related files are kept in same alphabetical section. For example, telephone diary.


  • Simple method
  • Economic
  • Safety
  • Disadvantages
  • Inflexible
  • Problem of alphabetical order
  • Inconvenient

2. Loose-leaf index
It is improved form of book index. In this type of indexing, instead of using hard hound register book, book sheets or paper are used in which alphabets are market on the rig hand side of the pages. It is very flexible and cheap. It is simple to operate an easy to understand. New sheet can be easily added and can be removed easily. But there is chance of misplacement of sheets.

3. Vowel indexing
It is improved form of book index. It is generally used by large organizations. Index book is maintained on the basis of vowels. Pages are firstly selected by initial letter and then by vowel occurred after the initial letter. For example Gandhi will be recorded in section “g” and in vowel “a”. It is time-consuming. It is difficult to search when many names begin with each alphabet.

4. Visible card indexing
Here, cards are arranged in flat tray or metal frame. Each card is attached to metal hinge. Name address and other documents are visible by touching other cards. Trays are attaché vertically to metal stands. Details can be written or typed in front and back of cards. Less space is used and cards can be easily located. It saves the time. It is flexible

5. Wheel index
It is modern form of visible index. It is suitable for big organization. Here, cards are mounted round the hub of wheel. A single wheel can hold as many as 5000 cards. In these cards can taken out or inserted without disturbing other cards. It is arranged alphabetically. Wheels are rotated to find card.


  • Speedy performance
  • Requires less space
  • Flexible in nature
  • It saves time
  • Disadvantages
  • It is costly
  • It is not suitable for small organization

6. Strip card index
One line entry is made in narrow strip made up of thick cardboard paper which is fitted in a frame in such a way that all the strips fitted in the frame are visible at a glance. It is flexible and expensive. There is lack of secrecy and is difficult to operate.

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