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How does poet link up the idea of cutdown poplars with the end of human life and pleasure?

How does poet link up the idea of cutdown poplars with the end of human life and pleasure? (The poplar field)

He saw a lot of changes in the poplar field after 12 yrs. The trees were a lot lesser to be found as they were chopped down. Resulting in a view where the trees once which stood up high were all lying down in the ground, and the reflection of those trees which used to increase the beauty of Ouse river was no longer to be found. The poplar field which used to have blackbirds didn’t have had one now as the poet couldn’t hear the song of those birds. He sat on the tree stump (a small remaining portion of the trunk with the roots still in the ground) and recalled the wind and it moving the leaves of the trees in the past. The poet went as far as to compare the field as to to the desert. The poet is sad seeing the view of the fallen poplars. He realizes that he will die soon in the future and lie in the grave like the fallen poplars lying on the grass. The poet also says that our pleasures are shorter than our life.

This post was part of TyroCity discussion forum
Question asked by Aayush_Apagain
Answered by aadarsh_gautam

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