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Hours of Work

Meaning of Hours of Work

ILO – Hours of Work (Commerce and Offices) Convention, 1930 (No. 30)

For the purpose of this Convention the term hours of work means

–the time during which the persons employed are at the disposal of the employer; it does not include rest periods during which the persons employed are not at the disposal of the employer.

The Working Time Regulation, 1998 (UK)

“working time”, in relation to a worker, means—

  • any period during which he is working, at his employer’s disposal and carrying out his activity or duties,

  • any period during which he is receiving relevant training, and

  • any additional period which is to be treated as working time for the purpose of these Regulations under a relevant agreement;

The rationale behind the standardizing working hours

“working excessive hours poses a danger to workers’ health and to their families” – ILO

-Individual health



-Social capital

Time for family

Socio-cultural activity

-Industrial prosperity

direct – productivity (enhanced efficiency/industrial peace)

Indirect- employment generation

International Standards

Hours of Work (Industry) Convention, 1919 (No. 1)

Article 2 – The working hours of persons employed in any public or private industrial undertaking or in any branch thereof, other than an undertaking in which only members of the same family are employed, shall not exceed eight in the day and forty-eight in the week.

Hours of Work (Commerce and Offices) Convention, 1930 (No. 30)

Article 1 – This Convention shall apply to persons employed in the following establishments, whether public or private:

  • commercial or trading establishments, including postal, telegraph and telephone services and commercial or trading branches of any other establishments;

  • establishments and administrative services in which the persons employed are mainly engaged in office work;

  • mixed commercial and industrial establishments, unless they are deemed to be industrial establishments.

Hours of Work (Commerce and Offices) Convention, 1930 (No. 30) ….

Article 3 – The hours of work of persons to whom this Convention applies shall not exceed forty-eight hours in the week and eight hours in the day

Hours of Work (Commerce and Offices) Convention, 1930 (No. 30) ….

Article 3 – The hours of work of persons to whom this Convention applies shall not exceed forty-eight hours in the week and eight hours in the day.

Weekly Rest (Industry) Convention, 1921 (No. 14)

  1. The whole of the staff employed in any industrial undertaking, public or private, or in any branch thereof shall … enjoy in every period of seven days a period of rest comprising at least twenty-four consecutive hours.
  2. This period of rest shall, wherever possible, be granted simultaneously to the whole of the staff of each undertaking.
  3. It shall, wherever possible, be fixed so as to coincide with the days already established by the traditions or customs of the country or district.

Weekly Rest (Commerce and Offices) Convention, 1957 (No. 106)

  1. All persons to whom this Convention applies shall be entitled to an uninterrupted weekly rest period comprising not less than 24 hours in the course of each period of seven days.
  2. The weekly rest period shall, wherever possible, be granted simultaneously to all the persons concerned in each establishment.
  3. The weekly rest period shall wherever possible, coincide with the day of the week established as a day of rest by the traditions or customs of the country or district.
  4. The traditions and customs of religious minorities shall, as far as possible, be respected.

As per section 28 of the labor act, 2074 Working hours shall be 8 hours a day and 48 hours a week.

As per sec 31, The overtime wages is to be one and half time of his/her ordinary rate of wages.

As per sec 30 of the new act, the maximum overtime has been increased to 24 hours a week.

श्रम ऐन, २०७४

दफा २९. बढी समय काम गर्न बाध्य गर्न नहुने :
(१) रोजगारदाताले दफा २८ को उपदफा (१) मा उल्लिखित समयभन्दा बढी समय हुने गरी श्रमिकलाई काम गर्न बाध्य पार्नु हँुदैन ।
(२) उपदफा (१) मा जुनसुकै कुरा लेखिएको भए तापनि कुनै काम सम्पन्न नहुँदा कसैको जीवन, सुरक्षा तथा स्वास्थ्यमा प्रतिकूल असर पर्न सक्ने वा रोजगारदातालाई गम्भीर हानी नोक्सानी हुने भएमा दफा ३० को उपदफा (१) को अधीनमा रही सम्बन्धित श्रमिकलाई अतिरिक्त समय काममा लगाउन सकिनेछ ।

दफा ३२. काम गर्ने समयको निर्धारण:
(१) श्रमिकको काम शुरु हुने र काम समाप्त हुने समय रोजगार सम्झौतामा उल्लेख भएकोमा सोही बमोजिम र नभएमा रोजगारदाताले निर्धारण गरे बमोजिम हुनेछ ।
(२) काम गर्ने समय सम्बन्धी अन्य व्यवस्था तोकिए बमोजिम हुनेछ ।
दफा ३३. यातायातको व्यवस्था मिलाउनु पर्नेः सूयासर््त भएपछि वा सूर्योदय हुनुभन्दा अघि कार्य समय प्रारम्भ वा समाप्त हुने गरी महिला श्रमिकलाई काममा लगाउँदा कार्यस्थलमा आउन तथा कार्यस्थलबाट फर्की जान रोजगारदाताले यातायातको आवश्यक व्यवस्था मिलाउनु पर्नेछ ।

दफा ३०. बढी समय काम लगाउने सम्बन्धी व्यवस्था:
(१) रोजगारदाताले कुनै श्रमिकलाई दफा २८ को अधीनमा रही निर्धारण गरेको कार्य समयभन्दा बढी समय काममा लगाउनु परेमा प्रतिदिन चार घण्टा र एक हप्तामा चौबीस घण्टाभन्दा बढी नहुने गरी लगाउन सकिनेछ ।
(२) रोजगारदाताले कुनै श्रमिकलाई दफा ४२ बमोजिम सट्टा बिदा नदिई लगाएको कामलाई बढी समय काम गरेको मानिनेछ ।

दफा ३१. अतिरिक्त पारिश्रमिक दिनु पर्ने:
(१) रोजगारदाताले श्रमिकलाई दफा ३० बमोजिम बढी समय काममा लगाउँदा नियमित रुपमा काम गर्दा पाउने आधारभूत पारिश्रमिकको डेढी पारिश्रमिक दिनु पर्नेछ ।
(२) उपदफा (१) मा जुनसुकै कुरा लेखिएको भए तापनि बढी समय काम गरेबापत पाउने अतिरिक्त पारिश्रमिकको सट्टामा सामूहिक सम्झौताले निश्चित सुविधा पाउने व्यवस्था गर्न वा व्यवस्थापकीय श्रेणीको श्रमिकको हकमा रोजगार सम्झौतामा उल्लेख भए बमोजिम सुविधा दिन यस दफामा लेखिएको कुराले बाधा पु¥याएको मानिने छैन ।

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