
Types of Communication

The communication can be categorized mainly into these ways:-

  1. Verbal vs. Non-Verbal communication.

  2. Inter- personal vs. Intra- personal communication

  3. Small Group vs. Mass communication

  4. Verbal communication of Non- Verbal communication
    Communication is a process which needs different elements to complete. Therefore, if we speak and write for communication these are verbal types of communication. In the other hand, if we don’t use written or spoken words but only use our gestures, body movement and symbols or colors. It is called non-verbal communication. The traffic light, colors of traditions & cultures, uniforms, customs, get up, etc.

  5. Inter-personal & Intra-personal communication
    Intra personal communication is such communication that is performed within individual. If a man involves himself in communication, it is intra personal communication. An individual can have conversation about his/her lover and beloved material affairs, friends, or any other issue.
    Inter-personal communication is such communication that requires at least 2 persons for having conversation. In the communication process, inter-personal communication is taken as in effective type of communication. Inter-personal communication sometime occurs even in the group communication.

  6. Small group vs. Mass communication
    Group is a form of people who are generally gathering for common purpose. If there are dozens of people generally it is a group. The communication that is performed among the people involved in group is called group communication. The classroom discussion, general staff meeting, gathering or crowd in the city center are some example of group communication.

Mass communication
Mass is a number of people and its nature is heterogeneous. Normally 10,000 to above is called a mass, and the communication that is performed with in the mass is called mass communication. ‘Pranchanda’ speaks in Tudikhel, any radio or television programme focusing a heterogeneous mass or audiences is normally an example of mass communication. In mass communication there is less interaction between the sender and the receiver. In this communication process, message receiving system is delayed. Likewise, in group communication, the interaction system is same and there is less interaction between sender and the receiver. However, in group communication, there is the probability of inter-personal communication.

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