
Civil Society in Democracy

  • The ideal type of a society characterized by a set of sociopolitical institutions such as the rule of law, limited and accountable public authority, economic markets, social pluralism and a public sphere
  • Set of diverse non-governmental institutions, which is strong enough to counterbalance the state, and, whilst not preventing the state from fulfilling its role of keeper of the peace and arbitrator between major interests, can nevertheless prevent the state from dominating and atomizing the rest of society
  • A cluster of institutions and associations strong enough to prevent tyranny, but which are, nevertheless, entered freely rather than imposed either by birth or by awesome ritual.
  • Expressing both individualism and collectivism
  • Private and Public spheres
  • Market Economy and Governance
  • Promote collective identities, and promote greater harmony in society
  • Expressing both individualism and collectivism
  • Private and Public spheres
  • Market Economy and Governance
  • Promote collective identities, and promote greater harmony in society
  • A crucial vehicle for democratic practices
  • The bourgeois public sphere – Over-romantic, failing to recognize the gendered nature of the bourgeois public sphere, for ignoring non bourgeois forms of the public sphere and for underestimating the continuation of the public sphere, in various forms.
  • Critical- Complimentary- Seeking Public Accountability- Watch Dog- Not planned or in government
  • Vehicle for informed participation of people
  • Criticism- Anarchist, Separatist, Anti-nationals, Anti-Government, Western Agent, Prevent Transformation-Revolution.

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