Prokaryotic cells
- The nucleus lacks nuclear membrane, nucleolus and nuclear nucleoplasm.
- DNA is not covered by histone parotein.
- Membrane bundled cell organells core absent.
- Uusally, DNA is cicular.
- Mesosomes are the site of cellular respiration.
- 70s type of ribosome are found.
- Cell wall: Murien or peptidoglycan.
Eukaryotic cells
- The nucleus is well organized.
- DNA is covered by histone protein and non-histone proteins to form chromosome and is multiple in number.
- Membrane bounded cell organelles are present.
- Usually, DNA is linear in chromosome. Extra-nulcear DNA is (chloroplast and mitrochondria) are circular.
- Mitochondria are the site of cellular respiration.
- Both 70s and 80s of ribosome are found.
- Cell wall: cellulose(in plants) chitin (in fungi)
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