
Importance of office management

Some importance of office management are listed below:

1. Achievement of goals
Office management helps in increases office efficiency, smooth flow of work, maintaining public relations, minimization of cost, managing change and accepting the new challenges which help in achievement of goals of the organization.

2. Increases office efficiency
Office management focuses on office activities and helps office in economical way.

3. Smooth flow of work
Office management helps in performing efficient and effective office work. It helps in proper planning and effective control in office.

4. Public relations
There must be good public relation of the organization. The main purpose of public relation is to make the organization look trust worthy to all people who deal with it in all its action. It helps in increasing the goodwill of the organization.

5. Minimization of cost
Office management guides the use of capital, natural, financial, human and other resources effectively without leakage and wastage which helps in minimization of cost.

6. Managing change
Office management helps in implementation of plans in right time and in right way. Bu there may be change in resources, need, technology, preferences and so on which makes it necessary to bring about the change in plans. Office management makes the office flexible which helps to manage the change.

7. New challenges
In an office, to achieve goals, many challenges should be faced. It helps in improving the research and information system. It helps in managing all the rigid matters.

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