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Model Question for Computer Science Class 11

GRADE : 11
FOR : 2070
Time : 3hrs
F.M. : 75
P.M : 27

Group A (Long Answer Question)
Attempt ALL the questions. [3 × 10 = 30]

  1. Draw a well-labeled diagram of typical architecture of a computer system and explain the main function of Control Unit and ALU. [4+3+3] 2.a. What is an operating system ? Explain any three function of an operating system. [1 + 6] 2.b. The “WiMP” environment is much more user-friendly, why ?

2.a. What is cell addressing and explain different types of cell addressing used in spreadsheet. [5]
2.b. Write a tag to design your personal web page to link photo family, background and banner page using frame. [5]

3.a. Define flowchart and pseudocode. Explain their significance in programming. [5]

3.b. Write a pseudocode to accept any three numbers and output the largest among them. [5]

Group B (Short Answer Questions)
Attempt any NINE questions. [9 × 5 = 45]

  1. Classify the computers according to their generation based on the technology used. [5]
  2. Differentiate between analogue and digital computer, explain with examples. [5]
  3. What do you mean by number system? Why do digital computers use binary numbers for their operation ? [2 + 3]
  4. Convert these numbers. [5]

    • (126)10 = (?) 2
    • (11011)2 = (?) 10
    • (57)8 = (?) 2
  5. Perform following operations.

    • 1011 – 1001
    • 1110 + 1110
  6. State the Demorgan’s theorem and verify it. [5]
    What are logic gates? Construct the truth table of NOR operation. [5]

  7. Write short notes on (any two) : [5]

    • IDE
    • SCSI
    • Wave Camera
  8. What are uses of internet ? Write any five search engine name. [5]

  9. Differentiate between System Software and Application Software with examples. [5]

  10. What are DPT features in MS-Words? Write three features of Presentation Packages. [2 + 3]

  11. Write an algorithm and flowchart to print the word “Hello” ten times using “while loop” [5]

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