Conversion Techniques
1. Decimal to
a. Binary
- /2 (Integer Part)
- *2 (Decimal Part)
b. Octal
- /8 (Integer Part)
- *8 (Decimal Part)
c. Hexadecimal
- /16 (Integer Part)
- *16 (Decimal Part)
2. Binary to
a. Octal
- Table (3-bit)
b. Decimal
- *2n For eg. (1011)2 =1*23+0*22 +1*21+1*20
c. Hexadecimal
- Table (4-bit)
3. Octal to
a. Binary
- Table (3-bit)
b. Decimal
- *8n For eg. (2341)8 =2*83+3*82 +4*81+1*80
c. Hexadecimal
- Construct table of:
- Octal-Binary (3Bit)
- Binary-hexadecimal (4Bit)
4. Hexadecimal to
a. Binary
- Table (4-bit)
b. Octal
- Construct table of:
- Hexa-Binary (4Bit)
- Binary-Octal (3Bit)
c. Decimal
- *16n For eg. (12A8)2 =1*163+2*162 +10*161+8*160
1’s and 2’s Complement
9’s and 10’s Complement
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